Coupled climate and economics dynamics in an integrated assessment agent-based model
- Date: Wednesday 11 November 2020, 15:00 – 16:30
- Location: Online
- Type: Seminars and lectures
- Cost: Free
Andrea Roventini from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna joins us for the latest seminar in the Economics Seminar Series.
Register here to attend.
All are welcome to join our final 2020/2021 Autumn Term Seminar held via Zoom.
The talk presents the Dystopian Schumpeter Meeting Keynes (DSK) integrated-assessment agent-based model. It shows how the DSK models can be employed to study the coupled climate and economic dynamics. In particular, the model can be employed to (i) assess the impact of microeconomic climate shocks on firm, bank and macroeconomic dynamics; (ii) study under which conditions the transition to green sustainable growth can occur; (iii) design and test combinations of innovation, fiscal, monetary and macroprudential policies to trigger the transition to zero-emission growth.