Economics Seminar Series - Anthony Lepinteur: The asymmetric effect of gains and losses in job security on health

You are invited to a seminar by Anthony Lepinteur from University of Luxembourg on ‘The asymmetric effect of gains and losses in job security on health’

All welcome! A light lunch will be provided for participants in the seminar.

Register here to attend


Is workers' health more sensitive to losses than gains in job security? I first show using a large sample of workers from the European Household Community Panel and value-added models that losses in job security have a larger effect on health than equivalent job security gains.

Second, I address endogeneity issues using the 1999 rise in the French Delalande tax as a quasi-natural experiment. It allows evaluating separately the causal impact of exogenous gains and losses in job security on workers' health. Difference-in-differences estimation results confirm that lower job security generates significant and robust losses in self-assessed health.

Meanwhile a greater feeling of job security does not translate into a higher level of self-assessed health. This article also demonstrates that losses in health produced by lower job security are not transitory.

For further information about the event please contact Gabriel Burdin: