Professor Cathy Myles
- Position: Pro Dean for Student Education
- Areas of expertise: Financial accounting and reporting; auditing; taxation; professional and personal skills development.
- Email: C.Myles@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 3692
- Location: 1.40 Maurice Keyworth Building
- Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education (PGCHE), Leeds Metropolitan University (now Leeds Beckett University)
- BA (Hons) Accountancy, University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK
- Chartered Accountant (FCA) - Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
- Senior Fellow of HEA (SFHEA) - The Higher Education Academy
- Certified Management and Business Educator (CMBE) – Chartered Association of Business Schools
Other Scholarly Societies
- Board Member of the British Accounting and Finance Association, Special Interest Group, Accounting Education (BAFA SIG AE)
- Member of Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS)
- Member of UK Advising and Tutoring Association (UKAT)
Cathy is a Chartered Accountant and spent time in the banking sector before moving into professional practice. The majority of this time was with Ernst & Young both in Leeds and Sydney where she specialised in the retail industry and financial services within audit and assurance. Cathy then moved into teaching in 2007 and spent time with BPP and Leeds Metropolitan University (now Leeds Beckett University) before moving to her current role at Leeds University Business School in 2011.
Cathy's primary research interest is in developing accounting education, particularly in relation to academic tutoring and support, and feedback to students. She is also focused on improving the academic performance of students and in developing their professional skills, which combine to ensure high student employability on completion of their academic studies.
- Pro Dean for Student Education
Research interests
Conference Contributions
1. ‘Assessment as a conversation in business degree programmes’. Conference paper presented at the Assessment in Higher Education Conference, Manchester, UK, June 2017.
2. ‘Feed-forward, not feed-back: Exploring the meaning of helpful feedback’. Conference paper presented at the Chartered Association of Business Schools 6th Annual Learning, Teaching and Student Experience Conference, Bristol, UK, April 2017.
3. ‘Personal tutoring and support in the Accounting and Finance Division at Leeds University Business School: A community approach across UG, PG and Doctoral Students’. Conference paper presented at the UK Advising and Tutoring Association Conference, Leeds, UK, April 2017.
4. ‘Feed-forward not feed-back’. Presentation and roundtable discussion at the Academy of Innovation Symposium on Research in Higher Education, Leeds, UK, December 2016.
5. ‘Embedding employability skills in a research-led undergraduate curriculum: a work in progress’. Conference paper presented at the British Accounting and Finance Association Accounting Education Special Interest Group Conference, Winchester, UK, May 2011, (with J Smith).
Student education
Cathy's teaching is focused around financial and management accounting, financial reporting, auditing, taxation, and professional and personal skills development.