Professor Phil Holmes
- Position: Emeritus Professor
- Areas of expertise: Behavioural finance; financial derivatives; corporate financial decisions
- Email: P.R.Holmes@lubs.leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 1677
Professor Phil Holmes retired from the University of Leeds at the end of September 2023 following an academic career of almost forty years.
I joined Leeds University in January 2009 as a Professor of Financial Risk Management. I was previously a Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Professor (since January 1998) at the University of Durham. Prior to my appointment to Durham (in 1989) I worked for almost six years at Newcastle Polytechnic (now University of Northumbria). Before going into academic life I worked as an economist in the Government Economic Service (assigned to DHSS) and also worked for the Inland Revenue .
I was Director of Student Education in Accounting and Finance from my appointment in 2009 until September 2017. At Durham I undertook a number of senior administration roles, including Head of Department of Economics and Finance, Head of Subject Group and Senior Chair of the Board of Examiners. I have been active in course development and enhancement throughout my academic career, playing a leading role in successfully establishing new programmes at both UG and masters levels. I also have experience of being a member of Subject Review teams, accreditation steering/working groups (AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA) and internal faculty and university review teams.
I have successfully supervised approximately 20 PhD students to completion. I have extensive experience of internal and external examining at PhD level and on taught programmes (both masters and undergraduate) at prestigious universities. I also have a wide range of experience of teaching finance on masters, undergraduate and professional programmes.
I was one of two Program Chairs and local lead for the European Financial Management Association Annual Meeting 2021, hosted by the University of Leeds.
I was one of two founding editors of the Review of Behavioral Finance, co-organiser of the European Financial Management Association Behavioral Finance Symposium (Durham, 2006) and co-editor of a special issue of European Financial Management (2008). I have presented papers at numerous conferences and acted as referee for many academic papers.I was a Visiting Professor at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 2007 - 2014.
Research interests
Current research interests:
- Behavioural finance
- Culture and financial markets
- PhD, Brunel University
- MA in Public and Industrial Economics (with distinction), University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
- BA Economics, First Class Honours, CNAA
Professional memberships
- Fellow of the Institute for Learning and Teaching in Higher Education/Higher Education Academy (2003 – 2023)