Migrant and refugee entrepreneurship during Covid-19

- Date: Thursday 25 June 2020, 11:00 – 12:30
- Location: Online
- Type: Online
- Cost: Free
The Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship host this webinar funded via the BA/Leverhulme Small Research Funded project: A Better Future - Understanding Refugee Entrepreneurship (BFURE).
Please register here to attend.
In recent years, the ‘migration crisis’ in Europe has raised concerns about addressing the social and economic needs of refugees arriving in the UK from countries such as Syria. The BFURE project is interested not in the costs incurred by supporting these refugees, but in the skills and knowledge refugees have when they arrive in the UK, and how these skills can be harnessed to support and enable refugees to contribute to the UK economy and further social integration.
This situation has intensified in recent months as a result of Covid-19, with refugee’ businesses and support networks coming under immense strain. The webinar will address some of the issues involved. It will start off with a short introduction to the BFURE project from Dr Deema Refai. Professor Monder Ram will then give a 40-minute talk on migrant and refugee entrepreneurship in times of crisis. This will be followed with a Q&A session with panel members.
The BFURE project is led by Dr Deema Refai (University of Leeds), Dr John Lever (University of Huddersfield) and Dr Radi Haloub (University of Huddersfield).
About the speaker
Professor Monder Ram is a leading authority on small business and ethnic minority entrepreneurship research. He has published widely on the subject and has extensive experience of working in and acting as a consultant to small and ethnic minority businesses. Monder is a regular keynote speaker at international conferences and advises the UK government on the importance and value of ethnic minority businesses through his position on the APPG for BAME Business Owners. He also holds visiting positions at Warwick University and the University of Turku.
This webinar will be recorded and chaired by Dr Deema Refai.
Please contact Natalie Jackson at N.C.Jackson@leeds.ac.uk if you have any queries about this online event.