The 2-Hour Job Search for Working Professionals

- Date: Wednesday 30 October 2024, 12:00 – 13:00
- Location: Online
- Type: Alumni, Online
- Cost: Free
This free online professional development webinar hosted by Sensible Media is open to Leeds alumni, students and staff members.
Alumni and Students: Register here for the webinar: The 2-Hour Job Search for Working Professionals
Staff: Register here for the webinar: The 2-Hour Job Search for Working Professionals
Looking for a new job is never easy. Paradoxically, as we become more skilled and more senior, it often becomes harder: fewer target roles, more competition and still the frustration of online job postings that demand your time and effort but give nothing in return. The solution is to sidestep the black hole of online job postings and network your way to referrals, interviews and jobs.
Steve Dalton will explore precisely how working professionals can adapt this method to target mid- to senior-level jobs with the same efficient networking strategy.
Secure your free spot for this webinar by registering on Eventbrite. This will give you access to the live session with Steve Dalton, where you'll learn actionable strategies to elevate your job search.
About the speaker
Steve Dalton is the former head of daytime careers at Duke Fuqua School of Business and is the author of The 2-Hour Job Search and The Job Closer published by Ten Speed Press. In 2014 the MBA-CSEA awarded Steve their innovation award for his work. He holds his own MBA from Duke and a chemical engineering degree from Case Western. Steve writes about careers for the Huffington Post and the Financial Times and presents his method at business schools around the world. You can follow Steve's thoughts on job search and its intersection with science and popular culture at and on Twitter (@Dalton_Steve).