
Results 16 to 20 of 98 in Working with business

business open day 2023 banner

Leeds University Business School held their 'Business Open Day' on Thursday 22 June, giving local industry professionals the opportunity to meet and find out how they can work with the university.

help to grow banner

Last week, Leeds University Business School hosted an Alumni event for SME business leaders. The event was an opportunity to bring together Help to Grow: Management Course Alumni.

Student Honor McGregor and mentor Charlotte Woods holding their awards for Relationship of the Year next to Executive Dean Professor Julia Bennell.

May 2023 saw the Business School’s Nurturing Talent Mentor Scheme (NTMS) celebrate its 10th anniversary with a networking event and awards ceremony in Parkinson Court.

Dave beck headshot

Leeds University Business School delivers the Leeds Executive Leadership Level 7 Apprenticeship, an innovative programme for senior managers, designed to develop you and take you to the next level.

Kathryn Watson outside the Esther Simpson building

Leeds University Business School and Leeds University School of Law hosted the LegalTech in Leeds Conference, attracting over 200 attendees.