Podcast: What impact has the COVID-19 pandemic had on human rights within the garment industry in India?

Socio-Technical Centre

Matthew Davis is an Associate Professor at Leeds University Business School, a Chartered Psychologist and an Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. His research centres on how people interact with their environments, the impact of different office designs and how businesses engage in CSR, particularly to address sustainability and modern slavery. Rishi Sher Singh is a Business and Human Rights specialist with an extensive body of work in supply chain management, implementation of sustainability projects, and manufacturing. For over two decades, Rishi has been working on developing innovative business solutions, with a strong commitment towards respecting and promoting human rights in the value chains.

Matthew Davis and Rishi Singh

Dr Matthew Davis, Leeds University Business School, and Rishi Sher Singh, Business and Human Rights specialist, talk about the effect COVID-19 has had on the garment industry in India and the vulnerability and impact on human rights within the sector.

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This podcast episode was recorded remotely in December 2020. If you would like to get in touch regarding this podcast, please contact research.lubs@leeds.ac.uk. A transcript of this episode is available here.

This research project – “Impact of Covid-19 on management to eradicate modern slavery from global supply chains: A case study of Indian fashion supply chains” – is supported by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. 

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