
Results 286 to 290 of 301 in Research and innovation

Sorin Krammer has recently had his paper "Greasing the wheels of change: bribery, institutions, and new product introductions in emerging markets" accepted for publication in Journal of Management.

Hinrich Voss

Hinrich Voss sees his latest article published in Politico magazine

A close up of books on a shelf, spine upwards

Over the summer Business School academics have seen nine articles accepted for publication in journals rated ‘4’ or ‘4*’ in the Chartered Association of Business School’s Academic Journal Guide 2015.

Kate Hardy

On 28 September Dr Kate Hardy, Associate Professor in Work and Employment Relations, appeared on The One Show.

Marks and Spencer Logo

Academics from the Universities of Leeds, Durham and Birmingham are working on a new collaborative research project with University of Leeds corporate partner, Marks and Spencer (M&S).