
Results 176 to 180 of 301 in Research and innovation

LUBS exterior East 1600 x 800

The Centre for International Business at the University of Leeds (CIBUL) is celebrating 25 years as a leading centre for international business.

A digital screen of financial numbers

The UK is investing £10 million in a new national green finance research centre that will advise lenders, investors and insurers.

Picture of a city skyline with a spider diagram of different people networking

Leeds University Business School is collaborating with the University of Antwerp to provide a seminar series aimed at connecting and supporting postgraduate researchers (PGR).

Bill Gerrard

On 2 February Dr Bill Gerrard was quoted in The I discussing a growing trend in older players populating elite competitions in football, suggesting players in all positions are peaking later.

Image of Gareth Jones

Everybody connected with Leeds University Business School is deeply saddened by the news of the passing of colleague Gareth Jones at the age of 69.