Dr Angela Carradus wins two ISBE awards

Congratulations goes to LUBS's Angela Carradus for recently winning two awards.
Dr Angela Carradus, Teaching Fellow at the Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies (CEES) was recently awarded two honours at the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) conference 2017: Best Paper in Family and Business Community and Best Early Career Researcher.
Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2017, the ISBE brings academia together with the worlds of policy and practice to inform the debate about small business.
Dr Carradus’s paper entitled ‘Understanding the role of relational competency in copreneurial business through a gender perspective’ explores the dynamics of intimacy and relational connections that underpin married or cohabiting couples who have started a business together. It looks at such couples in the context of the potential birth of a family business.
She commented: “I draw on psychological and gender perspectives to develop a more nuanced way of understanding such lived experience.”
The research was qualitative and involved in-depth interviews with eight couples for this paper and fourteen couples for the broader study which also drew on a dramaturgical approach to develop a performative model to explore alternative ways of understanding entrepreneurial and family business.
Read more about the Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies (CEES) here