Podcast: A fractured global economy
- Centre for International Business at the University of Leeds

Professor Marina Papanastassiou and Professor Peter Buckley discuss the deep and growing fracture in the global economy, how it affects the Sustainable Development Goals, and how it may be changing the role of multinationals.
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This podcast episode was recorded remotely in April 2022. If you would like to get in touch regarding this podcast, please contact research.lubs@leeds.ac.uk. A transcript of this episode is available.
Visit the CIBUL website for further information.
About the speakers: Marina Papanastassiou is Professor of International Business at Leeds University Business School, and is a member of the Centre for International Business University of Leeds (CIBUL). Marina’s research interests include the global innovation strategies in multinationals (MNEs) and their network of overseas subsidiaries and R&D laboratories; the decision making process in MNEs and in particular the dynamics between HQs and subsidiaries; global value chains and the role of MNEs in SDGs such as food security; impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) on growth and development; the internationalisation of start-ups, and the role of incubators in local systems of innovation.
Peter Buckley OBE is Professor of International Business at Leeds University Business School, and is the Founder/Director of CIBUL. His current research interests centre on the theory of the multinational firm; knowledge management in multinational firms; the international transfer of technology; the impact of foreign direct investment particularly in China; and outward direct investment from emerging countries: China and India.
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