Job insecurity may impact your personality: Psychology Today

Professor Chia-Huei Wu was interviewed by Psychology Today on a recent 2020 paper he co-authored on chronic job insecurity and chronic personality changes.
In a recent study using data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia survey, Professor Chia-Huei Wu and co-authors, Dr Ying (Lena) Wang from RMIT University Austrialia and Professor Sharon Parker and Professor Mark Griffin from Curtin University, Melbourne, reported that chronic job insecurity is associated with an increase in neuroticism and decreases in agreeableness and conscientiousness, three personality traits that reflect emotional, social and motivational stability.
In an interview with Psychology Today, Professor Chia-Huei Wu shares his interests and motivations for the topic and summarises key findings in the study. Professor Wu also elaborates on the practical implications of the results and introduces his co-authored book on work and personality development, coming soon in 2021.