
Results 116 to 120 of 132 in Masters

FT Global MBA Ranking Logo

The Full-time MBA at Leeds University Business School is 92nd in the world, according to the Financial Times Global MBA Ranking 2018. 

Masters news archive | Leeds University Business School | University of Leeds

International students in Leeds contribute a net £390m to the UK economy, a new study has found.

Group photograph of the winning team of the Innovative Thinking and Practice Competition

Students were invited to pitch to senior business leaders in a real life ‘Dragons’ Den’ as part of the new Innovation Thinking and Practice module.

MSc Management at the Business School has been placed 69th globally in the QS Masters in Management rankings 2018. The programme was also placed 13th in the UK.

Photograph of the lecture theatre, showing students attending the lecture.

An MEP this week broadcast a lecture live from the European Parliament in Brussels, to Leeds’ to Leeds’ students studying the European Business module on the MSc and BSc International Business.