Leeds Executive MBA top in the UK for third year running

The Leeds Executive MBA has been ranked the top Executive MBA programme in the UK and 8th globally according to the CEO Magazine 2019 MBA Rankings, published today.
This is the third consecutive year that it has been placed as the UK number one. Its overall position has risen two places from 2018.
The quality of the Leeds full-time MBA was also recognised. It remains listed as a Tier 1 business school in the global MBA rankings.
Vince Dispenza, Director of Executive MBA Programmes said: "I am really delighted that the Executive MBA continues to be recognised as a leading MBA programme. These results are an endorsement of the Business School’s continued teaching excellence, research and practical focus.”
About the Rankings
CEO Magazine launched its annual Global MBA Rankings in 2012, profiling MBA, Executive MBA and Online MBA programmes. This year CEO Magazine received data from 144 schools, offering 292 different programmes in 25 countries (71 online, 91 EMBA and 130 full-time and part-time MBA programmes). Their rankings system aims to provide potential students with a performance benchmark for those schools under review by using a rankings system weighted towards fact-based criteria.
View the results on the CEO Magazine website