EQUIS accreditation success for the Business School

Leeds University Business School has achieved a further five year EQUIS re-accreditation, issued by the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) Global.
This important accolade reaffirms its position as a top international business school.
EQUIS is the leading international system of quality assessment, improvement and accreditation of higher education institutions in management and business administration. It is acknowledged worldwide by potential students, faculty, employers, corporate clients and the media.
Chairman of the EQUIS Accreditation Board, Arnoud De Meyer wrote,
The Accreditation Board was impressed with the significant progress made since the School was last accredited... All the staff of the School should be congratulated on this result.
Executive Dean, Professor Peter Moizer said, “I am very pleased that Leeds University Business School has been given EQUIS accreditation for a further five years. This award is much valued by staff, students and alumni of LUBS. It is a great testament to the drive and dedication of LUBS staff as well as the achievements of our students.”
The School is internationally renowned for the quality of its teaching, its research and its facilities, with our MBA and masters programmes regularly featuring in flagship Financial Times, Economist and QS world rankings.
The School is also accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and holds five year accreditation status with the Association of MBAs (AMBA). Leeds is one of a small number of business schools worldwide who are triple accredited.