MBA alumnus in Financial Times

On 16 October, alumnus Amit Pandey (MBA 2008), featured in the Financial Times to share his experience of an unexpected career change after the completion of his MBA at the Business School.
The article entitled “When MBAs have second thoughts about their first career choices” explores the career journey MBA students follow after graduation and how that compares to their ambition and aspiration at the beginning of the course.
At graduation, Amit Pandey was preparing to take a full time role at a corporate marketing business in London, where he had been an MBA intern. Amit knew he was interested in strategic management at operational level but hadn’t explored the best sector to progress in. After speaking with a connection about potential opportunities in the financial sector, Amit applied and was offered a position at Halifax as a Senior Business Analyst.
Jane Barrett, Co-Founder of The Career Farm, a career coaching service that Leeds MBA students work closely with during their studies, commented:
The reason many first-choice jobs fail to meet MBA students’ aspirations is that students have focused too much on the type of company they want to work for and not enough on their suitability for specific roles.
Amit, who is still working in financial services, now as Vice President (Regulatory Strategy) at Barclays, said choosing financial services proved to be a “happy accident”.