The Leeds Executive MBA featured in Yorkshire Post

On 22 February 2018, three articles about the Executive MBA at the Business School were featured in the Yorkshire Post.
Vince Dispenza, Director of the Executive MBA programme, had an article featured about the success of the Executive MBA.
The article titled, Students at Leeds University Business School will find a path through volatile times, looks at the range of professional and personal skills an EMBA student can expect to gain from the course.
Vince Dispenza commented:
In a world of blurred boundaries, our Executive MBA students are taught to reflect upon what they do and not simply take things at face value. One way in which we encourage critical thinking in our students is to emphasise the importance of continuous reflection through an ongoing process of identifying significant experiences, recording them, sharing them in a safe and confidential way, and getting constructive, formative feedback.
The second and third articles titled You can mingle with the finest minds at Leeds University Business School and Embrace the power of analytical thinking to achieve your goals explore the structure and content of the Executive MBA, looking at the major research centres, such as CIBUL and CERIC, that students can take advantage of during their studies.
Vince explores the concept of self reflection further, he added:
We need others in order to develop. That is the central paradox of self development. Action learning sets help participants to hone reflective skills by harnessing the analytical capacity of a group focused on a problem or issue.
It's not just about gaining insight through new knowledge but also about developing the insight and confidence to be able to stick with difficult issues without feeling the need to rescue the person who's struggling with the problem.