
Results 431 to 435 of 926 in Leeds University Business School

A sign outside an office building saying 'welcome back to the office'

Employers have yet to adapt to the flexible working revolution sweeping through the UK’s offices, new research has shown.

Members of Peer Networks cohort 6

Leeds University Business School hosted a celebration event to bring together local business leaders.

The economist logo

MSc Management programme has been ranked 6th in the UK according to The Economist’s 2021 Masters in Management rankings.

Modern empty office

A report on the Coronavirus Jobs Retention Scheme by University of Leeds researchers is the subject of media attention on the concern of redundancies as furlough comes to an end in the UK.

Peer Networks powered by Leeds City Region Enterprise Partnership and West Yorkshire Combined Authorit

Professor of Entrepreneurial Practice Sarah Underwood has featured in the Business Matters blog for InsiderMedia, highlighting the benefits of the Business School's SME Peer-to-Peer Network Scheme.