
Results 781 to 785 of 859 in Leeds University Business School

Chris Forde

Legal reform of the ‘platform economy’ is essential if it is to provide a sustainable future for workers, according to one of the most comprehensive studies yet published on the subject.

Profile picture of Peter Mozier

Executive Dean of the Business School, Professor Peter Moizer has written a piece for the FT emphasising the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the teaching of today's MBA.

Montage design of currency and financial graphs

Dr Iain Clacher appears on Radio 5Live to discuss banking practices since the financial crisis.

Jenny Tomlinson

Professor of Gender and Employment Relations, Jennifer Tomlinson, was featured in a Planet Radio article about inflexibility in the workplace for parents returning to work after having children.

FT Global MBA Ranking Logo

The Full-time MBA at Leeds University Business School is 92nd in the world, according to the Financial Times Global MBA Ranking 2018.