Professor Chee Yew Wong comments on supply chains and sustainability

In an article for, Professor Wong discusses the latest edition of his book and the state of play of sustainability in the logistics and supply chain sector.
The article refers to the Kogan Page-published book, Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Principles and Practices for Sustainable Operations and Management, the 3rd edition of which is due to be released on 3rd November.
In the previously-published editions of the aforementioned book, academics David B. Grant, Alexander Trautrims, and Chee Yew Wong have covered numerous areas related to sustainability and supply chains, as well as the concept of sustainability itself.
When asked about his hopes for what this book can achieve, Professor Wong commented:
If the books are used by academics for teaching, they could be very useful for people from different backgrounds to understand sustainability from a logistics and supply chain perspective. I hope to see supply chain managers one day realise they need to know more about sustainability. I hope that’s the contribution we can make in practice.