Dr Helen Hughes' report cited in the Financial Times

Dr Helen Hughes' report was mentioned in a Financial Times article, titled 'The new workplace: what young starters need to know'.
This article discusses the rise of hybrid working causing employers to reassess the balance of online and in-person training for graduate recruits.
The report, co-authored by Dr Helen Hughes, looks at remote interns’ experiences and recommends that employers promote aspects of organisational culture online, such as “etiquette and norms” on communication and formality, and “examples of the company’s values in practice”.
Dr Hughes commented:
The risk of too much working from home is that young recruits do not understand the workplace norms.
The research also found that while young employees were quick to pick up digital skills, this masked “deep-rooted insecurities about working life more generally . . . [making] the challenges such that employees are facing more difficult for organisations to recognise and address.”
Read Dr Hughes report ‘Starting your career during a pandemic’