Collaborating internationally to support postgraduate researchers

Leeds University Business School is collaborating with the University of Antwerp to provide a seminar series aimed at connecting and supporting postgraduate researchers (PGR).
The launch event will take place on 12 February 2021 and will provide research students with a platform to connect and discuss research proposals with colleagues and peers from both institutions, as well as learning how to develop their networking skills in order to enhance their careers.
Dr Effie Kesidou, Head of Graduate School at Leeds University Business School, who is leading the initiative, in partnership with Professor Marc Deloof from the University of Antwerp, commented:
I’m delighted to be working with the University of Antwerp. Finding opportunities for our postgraduate researchers to connect and share ideas with peers is a key part our support for them and we are keen to ensure that despite the pandemic we still find ways to make this happen. As we move into a world where research is increasingly inter-disciplinary and collaborative, it is essential that tomorrow’s researchers have these types of opportunities to share ideas and develop their networking skills.
This latest initiative is one of a number of upcoming collaborations between Leeds University Business School and fellow members of the Alliance of Chinese and European (ACE) Business Schools Network. The network serves as a platform for the development of international business education.
Book your place at the launch event on 12 February 2021 12:00 – 13:30 GMT.