Safeguarding in the era of remote-learning: Dr Matthew Davis in Times Higher Education

Dr Matthew Davis has contributed to the Times Higher Education's 'Practical guide to digital teaching and learning' with a feature on safeguarding in remote-learning, published on 20 August 2020.
Associate Professor Matthew Davis discusses the safeguarding issues that may be brought to light inadvertantly through online teaching and learning in universities, with virtual seminars and the use of webcams divulging more information about the private home-lives of students than on-campus learning might.
To ensure a safe, professional and formal learning enviornment can be maintained while students tune into lectures from their bedrooms, Dr Davis provides a set of best practice standards for universities to use and think about when managing their online learning. Such recommendations include encouraging open discussions between staff and students on appropiate conduct, dress code and ettiquete during online learning, allowing and encouraging students to blur out camera backgrounds or switching the camera off if this is more comfortable for the student, and a clear and formal escalation process for staff in relation to safeguarding issues or innapropiate incidents online.
Other features within the Times’ guide to online learning include maintaining inclusive learning, course design and using virtual reality in teaching and learning.
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