Sweets, Dentistry and AI Governance - Two Decades of an MBA from Leeds

Adrian Precious had a successful career within Fast Moving Consumer Goods working with brands including Cadburys, Fox’s Biscuits and Youngs Seafood, when he enrolled in the Executive MBA in 2002.
"I chose Leeds University Business School because it had a good reputation, a flexible schedule and a diverse cohort of students and faculty," Adrian recalls.
"The Executive MBA was challenging, stimulating and rewarding. It gave me a solid foundation in business theory and practice, as well as exposure to different perspectives and sectors."
One of the key benefits of the MBA, according to Adrian, was the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. "The MBA helped me develop how I thought strategically, analytically and creatively. It also gave me the confidence to manage diverse projects, that required insight into all business functions. These are essential business leaderships skills, and as important now in today's dynamic and uncertain environment, as they were 20 years ago."
In 2003 Adrian and his wife (who graduated from Leeds University Dental School), decided to use their combined skills and start their own dental practice. Over the following 20 years, this thriving Private & NHS healthcare business grew substantially and was finally sold in 2024.
Why sell a successful business you might ask? “20 years was always the plan”, says Adrian. “Our aim was to build something bigger than ourselves, that could be sold on, to enable us to have a positive work-life balance. Leading a healthcare business was intense (especially through a pandemic) and we both agreed it was the correct time to focus on other interests”.
So what next for Adrian … The answer lies in Artificial Intelligence.
“We are going through a wave of technological advancement and interest in Artificial Intelligence”, says Adrian. “After fully embracing ‘digital dentistry’, I could see that AI not only is an area that offers great productivity benefits, but also has associated risks. Some elements of AI are a very ‘Wild West’ and unknowingly organisations are already exposing themselves whilst to trying to exploit its potential”.
Adrian enrolled in the Oxford Artificial Intelligence Programme in 2023 to gain a deeper understanding of AI, so that he could use this knowledge and his wider skillset to help other organisations.
“People do not understand what Artificial Intelligence is. Many think it is simply one technology that will solve all problems … or cause the extinction of humanity! The reality is very different. I aim to cut through the jargon and the hype in order to help people understand the opportunities and risks that AI presents them. We have set up ‘What Is AI’ and we are now supporting organisation who want to investigate how AI can be used effectively”.
Security is a significant factor. Both the EU and UK are working on laws for AI, including generative artificial intelligence such as ChatGPT and Microsoft Co-Pilot. These laws are not advanced and most people are not concerned yet. However, many organisation are already using AI tools without knowing they are already violating existing laws such as GDPR.
Trust will become vital over coming years as consumers deal with increasing amounts of false and manipulated information. Adrian’s goal is to help leaders design tailored frameworks that enable them to ask the appropriate questions, in their own specific context, and prepare accordingly. How AI is used, whether it can be justified, and whether it is secure and fair, will be questions that all organisations will face soon. Those organisations that are proactive will take an advantage from the new AI laws when they come into effect, as they will be ahead of their less motivated competitors.
Adrian concludes, “My pivot from Healthcare into AI Governance and Planning is great example of how my MBA is still relevant two decades on. This is a world where AI and digital transformation are changing every sector and industry, possibly reducing some human roles within the workforce. Whilst many future jobs are not yet known, the effective use and management of Artificial Intelligence utilises the same skills that I gained at LUBS 20 years ago”.
Connect with Adrian Precious on LinkedIn.