Leeds University Business School Hosted SCP Boutique Conference

Leeds University Business School welcomed scholars and researchers from around the world for the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) Boutique Conference on the Consumer Psychology of Brands.
The SCP Boutique Conference format aims to provide intimate, high-quality gatherings focused on specific themes in consumer psychology. The SCP is a nonprofit organization that promotes the study of consumer behaviour through psychological research, fostering collaboration among researchers, practitioners, and educators to advance knowledge in the field, and it also publishes the 4*-rated Journal of Consumer Psychology.
Themes explored at the conference included Technology of Brands, Sustainable Brands, Brands and Socio-political Causes, Brand Marketing and Communications, and Brand Theory and Measurement, reflecting the dynamic consumer-brand landscape.
Co-chaired by Professor Josko Brakus of Leeds University Business School, Professor Sonia Monga of Georgia State University, Professor Sharon Ng of Nanyang Technological University, and Professor Bernd Schmitt of Columbia University, the conference was also supported by LUBS-based committee members Dr Maximilian Gerrath, Dr Shankha Basu, Hayley Smith, and Laura Davis.
A highlight was a roundtable discussion moderated by Sonia Monga and Sharon Ng, featuring the expert panellists Rajeev Batra, Margaret (Meg) C. Campbell, Anirban Mukhopadhyay, Bernd Schmitt, Sanjay Sood, and Yajin Wang. This session delved into current research and practices in brand psychology, underscoring the conference’s commitment to advancing this field.
Reflecting on the event, Professor Josko Brakus remarked
Hosting the SCP Boutique Conference has been a great honour for Leeds University Business School. The discussions and exchange of ideas have enriched our understanding of brand psychology and inspired new research and collaboration.
This conference marks Leeds University Business School as the first UK-based and second Europe-based institution to host an SCP Boutique Conference, reinforcing its Marketing Department’s standing in consumer psychology and brand research.
For more details about the SCP Boutique Conference, please click here.