University of Leeds TEDx event: 19 September

A team of University of Leeds students have put together a stellar line-up of speakers and musicians for a unique TEDx event at stage@leeds on Tuesday 19th September.
From the power of human touch to the importance of listening, our speakers will share their insight and experiences on what it means to be human and have human connections.
Tickets cost just £25 (£15 for students) to include all sessions all day, refreshments, lunch and an evening cocktail reception. Here’s a snapshot of what’s on offer. You can also view the speaker profiles and book your place now on the stage@leeds website.
Event programme (some timings subject to final confirmation):
09:30 Registration and Networking
10:00 Official TEDx Video Introduction and opening remarks
10:15 - 11:45 Session 1: Expression and Authenticity
• Kadeena Cox OBE, four times Paralympic champion - ‘Rise of the Phoenix’
• Anu Shah, Entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist and Produce Lead at Meta – ‘Rejection is Redirection’
• Sam Hiller- Solo guitarist
• Rachael O’Connor, Associate Professor, University of Leeds – ‘The Power of Reverse Mentoring’
• Minhaz Abedin, Global philanthropy advisor - ‘Transactions of Kindness’
11:45 - 13:15: Lunch Break and Networking
Wellbeing dogs present until 12:30.
13:15 - 14:45 Session 2: Breaking Barriers and Innovation
• Behnaz Elhaminia, Postdoctoral researcher & AI developer - ‘The AI that Changed My Mind’
• Margaret Korosec, Dean of Online and Digital Education, University of Leeds - Digital Learning and Innovative Leadership
• Songsmiths Acapella Group
• Radhika Borde, Lecturer in Sustainability Transitions and Social Justice, University of Leeds – ‘Giving Ourselves and Earth A Rest’
• Joe Ryle – Director of the Four-Day Work Week Campaign – ‘The Time Has Come For A Four Day Work Week’
14:45 - 15:20 Afternoon Break
Refreshments and conversation
15:20 - 17:00: Session 3: Empowerment and Amplification
• Victor Okpala, African Music & Business Executive - ‘The Social Innovation Inspiring a New Lens on Africa’
• Jasdeep Singh Degun, Sitarist, composer and producer - ‘Composition, Sitar, and Cultural Fusion’
• Theo Youds, Aerospace Engineering MEng student and founder of Leeds University Rocket Association – ‘What I Learned Building Rockets’
• Jamie Crummie, co-founder of Too Good to Go - ‘Food Waste is Feeding Climate Change’
• Closing Remarks (10 minutes)
17:00 Walk to Nexus
17:15 - 18:30: Evening Cocktail Reception and Networking