Dr Ian Greenwood
- Position: Emeritus Professor
- Areas of expertise: Industrial Relations; Human Resource Management; Steel Industry; Industrial Strategy; Deindustrialisation
- Email: I.Greenwood@lubs.leeds.ac.uk
Dr Ian Greenwood is an Emeritus Professor following his long career at Leeds.
Ten years as director of an organisation responsible for training and small business start-ups.
Headed up an inner city charity responsible for economic regeneration through arts and culture and the establishment of an arts festival and Credit Union.
Established a regional "Think Tank" for the development of regional industrial relations policy.
Eight years director of a Corporate Trustee for a large private sector pension fund. As part of the Finance and Investment Group, responsible for £1B of investments.
Managed a Quality Control Department in the Food Manufacturing Industry.
Quality Auditor in the food industry.
Employee relations negotiator for twenty years.
Executive member and national secretary of the British Universities Industrial Relations Association.
Chair of the Leeds University Business Ethics Theme Team.
Divisional Director of Student Education, Leeds University Business School.
Researcher in Residence at Bradford Community College.
Widening Participation and outreach work at various schools and colleges.
Mentor at Oastlers Special Needs School Bradford.
Until 2017 Director and Chair of the social enterprise, ‘Pennyfarthing Media Production Ltd.’
Board member, Leeds Baroque
Board member, Leeds Swarthmore Centre
Research Supervision
I am interested in supervising research related to:
- teamworking - from the perspective of industrial/employment relations not organisational behaviour
- industrial/employment restructuring collective bargaining
- community/social movement unionism
- partnership at work
Contemporary Industrial Relations
Business and Society
Understanding Your Discipline for PhD students
Core Course MA HRM
Research Methods MA HRM
Training and Development module MA HRM
HRM module MSc Management
Programme Director MAHRM
Research Supervision:
MA and PhD (currently supervising four PhD candidates).
Former Director of Taught Post Graduate Admissions
Former Divisional Director of Student Education
Employment Relations, Human Resource Management, Industrial Restructuring, Industrial Strategy, Collective Bargaining, Trade Unions and Strategic Choice
Short Works and Monographs
2002 Restructuring, Partnership and the Learning Agenda: A Review. (with Stuart, M.) Learnpartner Monograph. E.M. Harmer Print: Leeds. 68pp. ISBN 1-900840-19-7
Contributions to Edited Books
2012 ‘Marktorientierung und Beschaftigungsverhaltnisse in der Aktivierungsindustrie: Eine Fallstudie zu Grossbritannien und Deutschland’, (with Greer, I. and Stuart, M.) in Scherschel, K. Streckeisen, und Krenn, M. (eds) Neue Prekaritat. Frankfurt/New York: Campus Verlag
2011 ‘Beyond National ‘Varieties’: Public-Service Contracting inn Comparative Perspective’ (with Greer, I. and Stuart, M.) in Cunningham, I. and James, P. (eds), Organisations and Public Service Delivery. New York/London: Routledge. 153-167
2009 'Community Unionism: A Comparative Analysis of Concepts and Contexts' edited with McBride, Palgrave Macmillan: Basingstoke
2008 ‘Oral History’, in Thorpe, R. and Holt, R. (eds) The Sage Dictionary of Qualitative Management Research, London: Sage
2006 'Employability and the flexible economy: Some considerations of the politics and contradictions of the European Employment Strategy', (with Stuart M.) in Alonso, L.E. and Martinez Lucio, M. (eds) Employment Relations in a Changing Society: Assessing the Post-Fordist Paradigm. Basingstoke: Plagrave-Macmillan. 104-119.
2006 'National and European Policies for Lifelong Learning: An Assessment of Developments within the Context of the European Employment Strategy', (with Stuart M.) in Kuhn, M and Sultana, R. G. (eds) Homo Sapiens Europaeus? Creating the European Learning Citizen. New York: Peter Lang Inc. 131-148.
Refereed Journal Articles
2020 ‘Victims, survivors and the emergence of ‘endurers’ as a reflection of shifting goals in the management of redeployment’ (with Mclachlan, C. and Makenzie, R.) Human Resource Management Journal, ‘’https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12314’’ 2020 ‘Victims, survivors and the emergence of ‘endurers’ as a reflection of shifting goals in the management of redeployment’ (with Mclachlan, C. and Makenzie, R.) Human Resource Management Journal, ‘’https://doi.org/10.1111/1748-8583.12314’’
2019 ‘The role of the steelworker occupational community in the internalization of industrial restructuring: the ‘layering up’ of collective proximal and distal experiences’ (with Mclachlan, C. and Makenzie, R.) Sociology, "https://doi.org/10.1177/0038038519836850".
2015 ‘Do economic conditions influence union activism behaviour?’ (with Charlwood, A. and Angrave, D.), Economic and Industrial Democracy, 0143831X15571641, March 2015 onlineas doi:10.1177/0143831X15571641
2009 'Redundancy as a critical life event: moving on from the Welsh steel industry through career change', (with Gardiner, J., Stuart, M., MacKenzie, R., Forde, C., and Perrett, R.) Work Employment and Society, 23(4): 727-745
2007 'Team-working, Restructuring and Skills in UK and Sweden', (with Randle, H.). European Journal of Industrial Relations 13(3): 361-377
2007 'Company-level Strategies for Raising Basic Skills: A Comparison of Corus Netherlands and UK', (with Leisink, P.). European Journal of industrial Relations, 13(3): 341-360
2007 'Work-life balance and older workers: employees' perspectives on retirement transitions following redundancy', (with Gardiner, J., Stuart, M., Forde, C., MacKenzie, R. and Perrett, P.) The International Journal of Human Resource Management 18(3): 476-489
2006 ' "All that is Solid?" Class, Identity and the Maintenance of a Collective Orientation amongst Redundant Steel Workers' (with MacKenzie, R, Stuart, M. Forde, C., Perrett, P. Gardiner, J.,). Sociology, 40(5): 833-852
2005 ' "Learners of the workplace unite!" An empirical examination of the trade union learning representative initiative', (with Wallis, E. and Stuart, M.) Work, Employment and Society, 19 (2): 283-304
Book Reviews
2017 ‘The Last Great Strike: Little Steel, the CIO, and the Struggle for Labour Rights in New Deal America’ by Ahmed White. UoC Press:Oakland Cal. In Labour History Review, 82(3): 277-279
2015 ‘Just Work: Narratives of Employment in the 21st Century’ by Grant Michelson and Shaun Ryan Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
In British Journal of Industrial Relations, 53(4) 820-821
2015 ‘The Broken Table: The Detroit Newspaper Strike and the State of American Labor’ by Chris Rhomberg Russell Sage Foundation, New York,
In Industrial Relations, 46(2) 170–172
2014 ‘Working Lives: Work in Britain Since 1945’, Arthur McIvor. Palgrave, Basingstoke, 2013, In British Journal of Industrial Relations, 52(3), 616-618
2011 ‘Power in Coalition: Strategies for Strong Unions and Social Change’ by A Tattersall. ILR Press: Ithaca. In Transfer; European review of Labour and Research, 17(4): 585-587
Refereed Conference Papers
2020 ‘Bargaining over Plant Closure: Trade Unions and Strategic Choice’, accepted for BUIRA Conference, Manchester, June 30th – July 2nd. Conference cancelled due to COVID outbreak
2019 ‘Old Actors becoming New Actors: The influence of retired members in union campaigns’, presented at the International Labour Process Conference, Vienna, 24-26 April (with Alberti, G., Byford, I. and Holgate, J.)
2018 ‘Victims, survivors and the experience of internal redeployment: exploring the impact on in-betweeners’, presented at the 36th International Labour Process Conference, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, 21-23 March (with C. McLachlan and R. Mackenzie).
2017 ‘Funicular Economy?' presented at the Post Industrial Communities Conference at the University of Leeds, 23-24 March
2016 ‘Socially Responsible Restructuring: an exploration of the roles of HRM and unions’, presented at the BUIRA Conference, The Cariageworks, Leeds, 29th June-1 July (with Chris McLachlan).
2016 ‘Industrial Restructuring and Redundancy: What happens to the union activists?’ presented at the Work Employment and Society Conference, University of Leeds, 6-8th September
2014 ‘Socially Responsible Restructuring: a Conceptual Framework for Action’, presented at the 64th BUIRA annual conference, University of Westminster, 25-27th June (with Chris McLachlan)
2014 ‘Socially Responsible Restructuring - a sustainable agenda, or EU pipe dream?’ presented at the 64th BUIRA annual conference, University of Westminster, 25-27th June (with C. Forde, J. Gardiner, R, Mackenzie, and M. Stuart)
2012 ‘Trade Unions and Bargaining for Plant Closure: Negotiating Space and Shrewd Resistance’, presented at the 62nd BUIRA annual conference, University of Bradford, 28-30th June
2012 ‘Politics and Social Movements: The Genesis and Evolution of a Social Movement Organisation’, presented at the BSA Annual conference, Leeds, May 11-13
2012 ‘The system versus the street: Employment and contracting in the international welfare-to-work industry’, presented at the LERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Jan 6-8 (with Greer I. and Stuart, M.)
2011 ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Culture? Industrial Restructuring and Culture Change: The Strategic Response of Organised Labour’, presented at the Critical Labour Studies 7th Symposium, Manchester, 19-20th February
2010 ‘Deindustrialisation: A Community Responds’ presented at the Work, Employment and Society Conference, Brighton, 7-9th September
2009 'Collective Solidarity and community post plant closure: A new form of (community) unionism?' presented at the 'Developing Theoretical Approaches to Labour Geography', conference, Liverpool 11-12th June
2008 ‘Community unionism as a revitalization strategy? A British case of Innovation’, presented at the 103rd American Sociological Association Annual Meeting: World of Work, Boston, 1-4 August (with Greer, I. and Stuart, M.)
2008 ‘Employment relations in the workfare industry: An Anglo-German comparison’, presented at the ‘Employment Relations in the Voluntary Sector’ conference, Glasgow, 29th April (with Greer, I. and Stuart, M.)
2008 ‘Moving on from redundancy in the Welsh steel industry: fateful moments and worker biographies’, presented at the 103rd American Sociological Association Annual Meeting: World of Work, Boston, 1-4 August (with Gardiner, J., Stuart, M., Forde, C., MacKenzie, R. and Perrett, R.)
2007 'Community Unionism and "Community: The Union for Life", presented at the International Industrial Relations Association, 8th European Regional Congress, 'The Dynamics of European Industrial Relations', Manchester, 3-6th September (with Greer, I. and Stuart, M. )
2007 ‘Community unionism and the neoliberal state in British steel regions’. presented at the annual meeting of the Labor and Employment Relations Association, Chicago, 4-7 January. (with Greer, I. and Stuart, M.)
2006 'Still mismanaging redundancy: Restructuring and corporate social responsibility in the Welsh Steel Industry', presented at the 56th BUIRA Annual Conference, 28th-30th June 2006, National University of Ireland, Galway (with Forde, C., Stuart, M., Gardiner, J., MacKenzie, R. and Perrett, R)
2006 'Class, Identity and the maintenance of a collective orientation amongst redundant steel workers', presented at the 24th Annual International Labour Process Conference, April 10-12, London (with MacKenzie, R., Stuart, M. Forde, C., Perrett, R. and Gardiner, J.)
2006 'The Dynamics of Trade Union Activism in Great Britain 1991:2003, 24th Annual International Labour Process Conference', presented at the April 10-12, London (with Charlwood, A., and Wallis, E.)
2005 'Perceptions of De-skilling and Up-skilling in the Restructuring of Employment: the Welsh Steel Industry Redundancies', presented at the Second International Conference on Training, Employability & Employment, Monash University, Prato, 21st-23rd September. (with Gardiner, J., Stuart, M., Forde, C., MacKenzie, R. and Perrett, R.)
2005 'Organisational Change, Teamworking and the Learning agenda: Cases from Sweden and the UK', presented at the 2nd International Conference on Training, Employability and Employment, Monash University Centre, Prato, Italy, 21-23 September (with Randle, H., Teige, B. and Svensson, L.)
2005 'All that is Solid? Class, Identity and the Maintenance of a Collective Orientation amongst Redundant Steel Workers', presented at the American Sociological Association 100th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, 13th-16th August. (with MacKenzie, R., Stuart, M., Forde, C., Greenwood, I., Perrett, R. and Gardiner, J.)
2005 'Identity and the maintenance of a collective orientation amongst redundant steel workers in the UK', presented at the 100th Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 13-16, Philadelphia, P.A. (with MacKenzie, R., Stuart, M. Forde, C., Perrett, R. and Gardiner, J.)
2004 'Waves of change: the retreat from multi-skilling in teamworking', presented at the 8th International Workshop on Teamworking, organised by the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management/ University of Trier, Trier, 16-17 September. (with Stuart, M.)
2004 'The role of social partnership for coping with change', presented at the 7th International Industrial Relations Association European Congress: The Future of Work in Europe, Estoril Congress Center, Lisbon, 7-11 September. (with Trappmann, V., Stuart, M. and Kruse, W.)
2004 'Realising the potential of union learning representatives: an empirical assessment', presented at the Fifth International Conference on HRD Research and Practice Across Europe, University Forum of HRD, University of Limerick, Limerick, 27-28 May. (with Wallis, E. and Stuart, M.)
2004 'The political economy of working lives: biographies of steel and metal redundancy in Britain and Germany', paper presented at ESREA Conference, Life Narratives and Biographies, Roskilde University, Copenhagen. March 4-7 (with Stuart, M., Kruse, W. and Trappmann, V.)
2003 'Union learning representatives: Legitimate (?) peripheral participation in power modulated communities of practice', presented at 3rd International Conference on Researching Work and Learning, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland. July 25-27 (with Stuart, M. and Wallis, E.)
2003 'We are all neo-liberals now - or are we?' Presented at International Trade Unionism in a Network Society conference: What's New about the "New Labour Internationalism", Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, May 2-3 (with Stuart, M.)
2002 'Lifelong learning, social partnership and the European Employment Strategy: challenges and contradictions', presented at The First International Conference on Training, Employability and Employment, Monash University Centre, Kings College, London, July 11th and 12th (with Stuart, M.)
2002 'The European Employment Strategy: Work, Employability or Lifelong Flexibility', (with Stuart, M.) presented at ESREA Research Network Conference: Adult Education and the Labour Market VII. Roskilde University, Denmark, May30th - June 1st.
Invited Plenaries, presentations and workshops
2018 ‘Are dated conceptions of industries a blockage to effective ‘IP’ formulation? a thematic study of cars, steel, energy and digitalisation’, presented at the CGR-IPR Bath Workshop 26th April 2018 For CJRES Special Issue: ‘Back on the Agenda? Industrial Policy revisited’, University of Bath, April 26th (with D. Coffey and C. Thornley)
2017 ‘Strategic Choice and the response of trade unions to Industrial Restructuring’, presented at the Work and Employment Research Unit Seminar Series, University of Hertfordshire
2014 ‘Socially Responsible Restructuring: Hope, Expectation or Chimera?' presented at the ‘Business Ethics, Business Schools, and the World of Work’ conference, University of Leeds, 2-3rd April (with C. Forde and C. McLachlan)
2014 ‘Community Unionism and Trade Union Strategy’ workshop presentation at the ATL National Conference, Manchester, April 14-16th
2013 ‘Look North’ BBC Regional Television News interview: ‘The impact of strikes on the regional economy’, 1st October
2013 ‘HRM and Flexibility in Restructuring’: Invited presentation to Leeds City Council, 13th September
2013 ‘UK Trade Unions: Revitalisation?’ Invited speaker/workshop to delegation of Chinese trade unions officials (Sino-Bridge International), London, August 30th
2013 ‘HRM in the UK Science and Technology Sector’: Invited presentation to delegation of Vietnamese government officials, Leeds, 19th June
2013 ‘Union Community Organising and Coalition Building’, invited speaker at the ‘Unions 21’ meeting at the Society of Radiographers Annual Conference, Brighton, 22nd April
2012 Invited participant to the national strategy group of ‘Community the Union’.
2011 The street versus the system: Employment relations in the international welfare-to-work industry, BJIR Conference on Outsourcing/Off shoring of Service Work, LSE London, 17-18th November (with Greer, I. and Stuart, M.)
2009 'Working in Partnership' key note speaker at the BFAWU Annual Union Learning Representatives conference, London, 20-22 February, (with Stuart, M.)
2008 ‘Union Learning Representatives: Impact at the Workplace’, presented at the ‘Community the Union For Life’, Union Learning Representatives Conference, Cwmbran, 18th September
2008 ‘Employment relations in the workfare industry: An Anglo-German comparison’, presented at the ‘Transformations in Welfare to Work’ conference, Leeds, 12th September, (with Greer, I. and Stuart, M.)
2008 ‘Employer-employee relations and the ethics of organisational change’, presented at the ‘Business Ethics and Teaching Practice’, Conference, Leeds, (with Chris Forde) 11th September
2005 Policy summarizer - 'Future regional strategy - Education and Training', AMICUS Weekend School, Sheffield, June 10-11.
2004 'Learning to Labour and the New Politics of Training'. Presented at the Critical Labour Studies Workshop: The Future of Labour and Employment, Leeds, November (with Mark Stuart)
2004 'Fields of Intervention and Biographical Research', Learnpartner Research Group workshop, Brussels, March (with Stuart, M.)
2003 'Restructuring in the steel industry: Work reorganisation and biographies of the displaced', presented at the Learnpartner Research Dissemination workshop, Stockholm, 6-8 November
2003 'The Economic and Social Impact of Redundancies at Corus and ASW: Initial Findings', presented at Steel Partnership Training Ltd Workshop on the Economic and Social Impact of Redundancies, Cardiff, 11 July (with M. Stuart, C. Forde and R. Mackenzie).
2003 'National and European policies for lifelong learning: observations from the FP5 project 'Learnpartner' put into an EU context', presented at EU Research FP5 Thematic Network, EURONE&T Towards the European Society Workshop, 'Lifelong Learning, Employability and Organised Interests: The Role of the Social Partners in Shaping Lifelong Learning'. FAFO Institute for Labour and Social Research, Oslo, 19-20 June, (with Stuart, M.)
2003 'Economic and Social Impact of Redundancies in Wales', research findings. For ISTC evidence to Parliamentary, Steel Industry Select Committee May, (with M. Stuart, R. MacKenzie, C. Forde and J. Gardener)
2003 'Biographical Research - Some Methodological Considerations', Learnpartner Research Group workshop, Madrid, March
2003 'The Euro and the European Employment Strategy'. Presented at the Eastern Economic Association Conference, New York, February (with A. Brown)
2001 'What is happening on the scene of lifelong learning in the UK?' Norwegian Lifelong Learning Delegation/ Steel Partnership Training, University of Leeds, November (with M. Stuart)
Major reports
2017 ‘Steel 2020: Forging a Future for the British Steel Industry’. A report research and coauthored for the All Parliamentary Policy Group on Steel and Related Metals.88pp
2012 ‘National Inquiry into Organisational Ethical Decision Making in the NHS’: Report produced by, The Centre for Innovation in Health Management, University of Leeds (CHIM). (with Jim Baxter, Juliet Brown, Gail Cartmail, Martin Fischer, Lance Gardner, Rebecca Malby, Angela Monaghan, Chris Welsh, Diane Whittingham).44pp
2004 'The Economic and Social Impact of Redundancies from Corus and Allied, Steel and Wire in Wales', end of award report prepared for ISTC Community Union and Steel Partnership Training. (with Stuart, M., Perrett, R., Mackenzie, R., Forde, F. and Gardiner, J.). 49pp
2004 'Understanding worker displacement and trajectories of employability: biographies of displacement in the UK steel and metal Sector', report prepared for the European Commission DG Research, (with Perrett, R. and Stuart, M.) 146pp.
2004 'Employability and Redundancy in the UK Steel Industry: A Biographical Study', report prepared for the European Commission DG Research, 151pp. (with Stuart, M. and Perrett, R.)
2003 Trade Union Learning Representatives in South Yorkshire, Report prepared for Yorkshire and Humberside TUC Objective 1 Project, Trade Union Congress Learning Services (with Stuart, M. and Wallis, E.)
2003 'Towards the Learning Organisation: Learning in Partnership and the Management of Change in the UK Steel Industry'. Prepared for Learnpartners EU Framework 5 research project (with Stuart, M.).
2002 'Restructuring, Partnership and the Learning Agenda: A Review', report prepared for the European Commission DG Research, (with Stuart, M.) 70pp
2002 'Contextualising the Learning Agenda in the UK: Historical Legacies, Contemporary Policies', report prepared for the European Commission DG Research, , (with Stuart, M.) 90pp + vi.
2002 'The European Learning Agenda: Analysis and Critique', report prepared for the European Commission DG Research, (with Stuart, M.) 25pp
External research funding (over 5k)
2007 ‘Union Learning Initiatives: Sustainability and activism’, (with Stuart, M. and Greer, I.) TUCS Yorkshire Region. £6000 – April 2007 - April 2008
2006 'Mapping of union membership and levels of activism', (with Stuart, M. and Greer, I.) AMICUS Yorkshire Region. £10000 - January 2006 - July 2007
2002 'Examination of the social and economic impact of steel redundancies in Wales', (with Stuart, M., Forde, C., MacKenzie, R. and Gardiner, J.), Steel Partnership Training/ISTC Community Union £26,000 - Dec 2002 - Dec 2003
2002 'Investigation of Trade Union Learning Representative initiative', (with Wallis, E. and Stuart, M.) Trade Union Congress: Learning Services. £16, 683 - Nov 2002 - Sept 2003
Research interests
I have been engaged in a number of research projects mainly connected to the steel and metals sector. These include the evaluation of the role that lifelong learning strategies might play in response to the processes of restructuring in the European steel and metal sectors and the potential of partnership based approaches for furthering the learning agenda and employability. He has also researched the role of union learning representatives and their impact on workplace skill formation; team working; trade union activism and renewal including Community Unionism and the contemporary nature of collective bargaining. His current research interests focus on industrial restructuring, collective bargaining for restructuring and the impact of deindustrialization.
- PhD Leeds
- MA in Human Resource Management (Leeds)
Professional memberships
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)
- Member of the Institute of Food Science and Technology
- Academic Member CIPD
- Associate of the Institute of Quality Assurance
- Member of the British Sociological Association