Dr Caterina Presi
- Position: Associate Professor of Marketing Practice
- Areas of expertise: Social Media Marketing; Consumer Culture; Visual Consumption; Resilience; blended teaching; development of SOTL.
- Email: C.Presi@lubs.leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 2631
- Location: G06 Maurice Keyworth Building
- Website: LinkedIn | ORCID
Prior to joining the University of Leeds as Research Fellow in 2002, I worked in Marketing and Commercial functions with a major Telecommunications Company in Buying and Partnership development functions.
I was promoted to Teaching Fellow in 2009, Senior Teaching Fellow in 2012 and Associate Professor of Marketing Practice in 2019.
- Programme Director, MA Corporate Communications, Marketing and Public Relations
Research interests
My research interests are in the broad field of consumer behaviour, with specific interests in social media, online communities and new media consumption. Within the online realm, I researched issues relating to user-generated content, consumer identity, sales avatar and visual consumption (e.g. brand selfies).
I also an active interest in scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). My work focuses on student resilience as well as blended teaching. My current project focuses on the challenges and experiences of conducting rigourous SoTL work.
My work has been published in academic journals, including the European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing and Journal of Business Research. I presented competitive papers at a number of international academic conferences. I also served as reviewer for academic journals and textbook publishers.
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy (HEA)
- PhD University of Leeds
- CIM Postgraduate Diploma
- MSc International Marketing Management - Leeds University Business School
- BA International Studies - University of Leeds
Student education
During my time at the University of Leeds, I taught a number of subjects and modules. My specialist areas are Consumer Behaviour from a cross cultural perspective, Internet Marketing, Social Media Marketing. I also taught Research Methods, particularly focusing on qualitative methodologies. In one of my papers I designed a method for visual analysis of consumer generated photos. I am also experienced in netnography, in-depth interviewing, participant observations and more.
My teaching approach aims to deliver a student experience that is enriching and engaging. Interactive tools through apps, case studies, collage making and other activities are embedded in my seminars and lectures to deliver active learning. I am a LITE Transformation Fellow and committed to pedagogic innovation, including hybrid teaching and flip learning appraoches. I am also a qualified coach (CMI Level 5 Certificate).
Published Papers:
- Michaelidou N, Christodoulides G, Presi C. 2021. Ultra-high-net-worth individuals: self-presentation and luxury consumption on Instagram. European Journal of Marketing. DOI 10.1108/EJM-11-2020-0853
- Presi, Caterina, Maehle, Natalia and Kleppe, Ingeborg A. (2016) "Brand selfies: consumer experiences and marketplace conversations", European Journal of Marketing, 50 (9/10), p. 1814-1834. DOI: 10.1108/EJM-07-2015-0492
- Chari, Simos, Christodoulides, George, Presi, Caterina and Wenhold, Jill (2016) “Consumer Trust in User-Generated Brand Recommendations on Facebook Consumer Trust in User-Generated Brand Recommendations on Facebook”, Psychology and Marketing.
- Presi, Caterina, Charalampos Saridakis and Susanna Hartman (2014) “User-Generated Content Behaviour of the Dissatisfied Service Customer”, European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 48 Iss: 9/10, pp.1600 – 1625. https://doi.org/10.1108/EJM-07-2012-0400
- Pillai, Kishore Gopalakrishna, Constantine Katsikeas and Caterina Presi (2012), "Typesize Effects on Comprehension of the Ad and Attitude toward the Advertised Product", Journal of Business Research, p. 865-868
Book chapters:
- Maehle, N., Presi, C. and Kleppe, I. A. (2022). Visual communication in social media marketing. In A. Hanlon & T. Tuten (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Social Media Marketing. SAGE Publications Ltd.
Blog articles:
- Caterina Presi “Bringing influencers into the classroom with a video interview” TIPS Blog, Tuesday 24th January 2023
Invited Speaker/Guest talks:
- Invited Speaker at the “Talking about Teaching” seminar series, Leeds University Business School, 12th February 2025.
- Guest Panelist “Developing a positive academic community” event, University of Leeds, 11th July 2023.
- Keynote Speaker. PGR/ECR Career Development Event, University of Leeds, 9th December 2022.
Academic conferences:
- Presi, Caterina “Supporting self-regulation in the blended and flipped classroom to deliver student learning.” Presentation at the Learning, Teaching and Student Experience CABS conference, Birmingham, 14-15 May 2024.
- Presi, Caterina “Self-regulation indirect impact on student learning in the blended and flipped classroom” Presentation submitted to the American Marketing Science Conference Annual Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 17-19 May 2023.
- Presi, Caterina and Lau, Hiu Ting “The effect of motivation and resilience on international students’ satisfaction” Poster presentation at Student Education Conference 2023, Leeds, UK, 5-6 January 2023.
- Presi, Caterina “Student Resilience: Growing From Challenges in Higher Education” Presentation at Student Education Conference 2020, Leeds, UK, 6-7 January 2020.
- Presi, Caterina “Resilience in the global classroom” Presentation at the Special Session entitled ‘Learning in the Global Classroom: Differentiating the Business Education Offer of a Global Business School’ at the Global Sig Buenos Aires, Argentina, 24-27 May 2019.
- Chari, Simos, Christodoulides, George, Presi, Caterina and Wenhold, Jill (2016) “Consumer Trust in User-Generated Brand Recommendations on Facebook” at Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA) conference. Valencia–Spain, March 2016.
- Presi, Caterina, Maehle, Natalia and Kleppe, Ingeborg A. “How Consumer Brand Selfies Territorialize and Deterritorialize Consumer Groups, Consumption Spaces, and Commercial Brands”, Poster presented at Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2015, 18-21 June, Fayetteville, Arkansas.
- Presi, Caterina and Su, Dawei “Brand and Social Network Community Commitment in Brand Fan Pages in Social Media” to be presented at EMAC 2014, 3-6 June, Valencia, Spain.
- Presi, Caterina, Lages, Cristiana R., Elenskaya, A. “Avatar and Sales Avatar attractiveness in Second Life” Poster at EMAC 2013, 4-7 June, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Kleppe, Ingeborg A. and Presi, Caterina “Democracy on Trial: Consumer Activists in the Urban Space” Poster at CCT7, Oxford, 16-19th August 2012
- Presi, Caterina, Elenskaya, A., Ghosh. S. “Avatar construction and perceptions of the ideal sales avatar” Poster at EMAC 2011, 24-27th May, Ljubljana.
- Presi, Caterina, Kozinets, Robert V., Kleppe, Ingeborg A. (2009) "Connecting Through the Visual", Consumer Culture Theory 4, Ross School of Business, University of Michigan Ann Arbor MI, USA, 11 Jun 2009 - 14 Jun 2009
- Kleppe, Ingeborg A., Kozinets, Robert V., Presi, Caterina, (2009) "The Urban Space as Ideology", 5th Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research, Milan, Italy, 02 Apr 2009 - 03 Apr 2009
- Pillai, Kishore Gopalakrishna, Caterina Presi, and Constantine S. Katsikeas (2008), “Advertising Comprehension: The Role of Confidence”, Paper presented at EMAC, Brighton, UK, 27 May – 30 May 2008
- Presi, Caterina, Michell, Paul C.N., Lock, Andrew R., “Reading consumers' identity in Virtual Communities of Consumption: exploring the influence of motive and focus of attention” Association for Consumer Research-Asia Pacific 2006, Sydney, Australia, VII, 2006
- Presi, Caterina, “Symbolic Interactionism and the Internet: the communication of identity in virtual communities of consumption and real life” 16th EIASM/EMAC Doctoral colloquium in Marketing, Glasgow, Scotland May 18-20, 2003