Dr. Stefania Romano
- Position: Lecturer in Enterprise
- Areas of expertise: Stefania's areas of expertise are innovation, creativity and creative leadership, creative entrepreneurship, action learning, experiential learning, reflexivity and Blue Ocean.
- Email: S.Romano@leeds.ac.uk
- Location: G.21 Charles Tchrah building
- Website: Twitter | LinkedIn | Googlescholar | ORCID
Stefania joined the Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies as a Lecturer in January 2019 .
She is the Educational Leader for the Centre for Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Studies (CEES); she is a Fellow of Higher Education, Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA). She is also a Certified Management and Business Educator (CABS)
She is currently co-Track Chair for the Creative Industries Entrepreneurship track for the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBECIE) and co-Track Chair for the Critical Management Studies track for the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy
Stefania will be teaching on the following modules: New Venture Creation, Corporate Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Creativity in Business, and Managing Innovation in Business.
She previously taught at Edinburgh Napier University from 2017 to 2019, De Montfort University from 2013 to 2017 and Queen Margaret University in 2013.
Stefania’s areas of expertise are managing innovation, Blue Ocean Innovation, Creativity, Creative Leadership, Creative Entrepreneurship, Digital Creativity, Action Learning, Experiential Learning, and Reflexivity.
Grants and Professional Recognition
Harrison, W., Harrison, G., Sayer, J. and Romano S. (2019) Interdisciplinary Explorations to Identify Transport Identities (InExITI) – (£ 8,596.00) University of Leeds
Romano, S. and Williams, N. (2019). How Accidental Entrepreneurs in the Creative Industries transform their passion to innovation. (£ 2,000.00) University of Leeds
Romano, S. (2019). Design and Implement interactive learning workshop in HE context with LEGO ® SERIOUS PLAY Methodology (£ 4,000.00) University of Leeds
Co-Track Chair of the Special Interest Group (SIG) Creative Industries Entrepreneurship Research at Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (£1,500 per year),
Internal Research Funding in collaboration with M. Beckinsale, D. Odembe and K. Woldensebet for a project entitled Exploring an understanding and conceptual framework of Social Media Entrepreneurship amongst Leicester’s SMEs (Awarded and completed = £ 2,000),
DMU internal SEED Corn/EARLY CAREER RESEARCHER funding for a project entitled Game Changing Business Models in the Creative Industries. The case of the UK talent shows “The Voice”, “X-Factor” and Britain’s Got Talent (BGT)” (Awarded and completed - £ 950)
Editorial and Reviewer Roles
Member of the Editorial Review Board of the International Journal of Instructional Cases (IJIC)
Reviewer for the Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, ISBE Conference for the Creative Industries Track, BAM Conference for the Leadership and Creative Industries Tracks, Academy of Management Conference (AoM), Conference on Organisational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities (OLKC) and Journal of Organizational Ethnography, International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, Human Relations, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts, Industry and Higher Education.
Research Events
Romano, S., Carey, C. and Jen, S. (2020). Setting an Agenda to shore up the Creative Industries: Combining Arts and Enterprise Education to promote and conserve creativity in schools. https://isbe.org.uk/setting-an-agenda-to-shore-up-the-creative-industries-combining-arts-and-enterprise-education-to-promote-and-conserve-creativity-in-schools
Romano, S. and Carey, C. (2019). Writing, Publishing and Disseminating Creative Industries Entrepreneurship Research. https://business.leeds.ac.uk/dir-record/research-blog/1626/writingpublishing-and-disseminating-creative-industries-entrepreneurship-research
Carey, C. and Romano, S. (2018) Collaboration in Creative Industries Entrepreneurship Research: Policy, Practitioners, Impact and Research Perspectives. A developing agenda for collaboration in the creative industries entrepreneurship research http://isbe.org.uk/events/collaboration-in-creative/
Romano, S. (2018). Have you got a CENT? The use of a Creative Experience to Novelty through TIME (CENT) Mode to Reflect upon a Creative Journey. The Creative Education Foundation 64 Annual Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI), University at Buffalo, New York (U.S.A.)
Carey, C., Romano, S. and Penaluna, A. (2017) ISBE 2017: Research Methodology for Publication in the Creative Industries http://isbe.org.uk/isbe2017/workshops/creative/
Carey, C., Romano, S. and Penaluna, A. (2016) ISBE 2016: Creative Industries Entrepreneurship Research Methods Workshop available at http://isbe.org.uk/conference-2016/isbe-2016-creative-research-workshop/
Scientific Activities
Romano, S. (2020). Panelist at BAM conference: Researching the Cultural and Creative Industries 2020, BAM Conference in the Cloud.
Romano, S. (2018) Panelist at TETM: Technology-led emergence and transformation of markets 2018, University of Edinburgh (U.K.)
Romano, S. and Henry, C. (2015). Why Is Creativity Important? Symposium on Why is it so hard to stay? Women and Work in the Creative Industries, 1st May 2018, Dundalk (Ireland). Available at https://vimeo.com/130093389
External Examiner Roles
External Examiner for University of Portsmouth, for Master in Business Administration (MBA) from 2021 to current
External Examiner for University of Cumbria, for Master in Business Administration (MBA) and MA International Business BA (Hons) from 2018 to current
External Examiner for Nottingham Trent University, for BA joint Honours Business Management and Marketing Programmes from 2015 to 2018
External Examiner for INTO, the University of East Anglia, for Graduate Diploma and Foundation Business Programmes from 2015 to 2018
- Education Leader for CEES
Research interests
Creativity and Digital Creativity in Business and Education
Creative Leadership
Blue Ocean Innovation
Managing Innovation in Corporates and Small Businesses
Action Learning, Experiential Learning and Reflexivity
Entrepreneurial Innovation in Creative Industries
- PGCert in Higher Education, De Montfort University, Leicester
- PhD, School of Management, Tor Vergata University
- MA in Human Development and Food Security, University of Roma Tre, Rome
- BSc (Hons) Business Administration, University of Tor Vergata, Rome
Professional memberships
- Fellow of The Higher Education Academy
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA)
- Certified Management and Business Educator (CABS)
- Member of Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE)
- Member of British Educational Research Association (BERA)
- Member of Chartered Association of Business Schools (CABS)
- Member of the British Academy of Management (BAM)
- Member of the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE)
- Co-Track Chair for the Creative Industries Entrepreneurship track for the Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
- Co-Track Chair for the Critical Management Studies track for the European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy
Student education
Romano, S. (2021). How to plan a creative climate for online users’ interactions. ISPIM Conference 20-23 June 2021
Romano, S. (2021). Reflections on Self-Efficacy and Self-Awareness through an Academic Conference. SCOS Conference 5-6 July 2021
Romano, S. (2021). The role of design thinking and compassion in Teaching and Learning via Padlet’s interactions. BERA Conference 13-16 September 2021
Romano, S. and Di Pietro, F. (2020). Challenges and Opportunities for Creative and Technology Digital Workers in the Digital Eco-System, BAM Conference in the Cloud 2 – 4 September 2020
Romano, S. and Harrison, W., Harrison, G., and Sayer, J. (2020). An Interdisciplinary Investigation to Explore Transport Identities, BAM Conference in the Cloud 2 – 4 September 2020
Romano, S. and Carey, C. (2019) What are the key lessons learnt among the researchers in the creative industries entrepreneurship? ISBE Conference, Newcastle 14 - 15 November 2019
Romano, S. and Carey, C. (2019) An investigation into individual meaning, knowledge production and research identities of creative industries entrepreneurship scholars to map their academic careers in uncertain time, The British Academy Conference, ASTON University, 3-5 September 2019
Romano, S. (2018). Have you got a CENT? The use of a Creative Experience to Novelty through TIME (CENT) Mode to Reflect upon a Creative Journey. The Creative Education Foundation’s 64 Annual Creative Problem Solving Institute (CPSI), University at Buffalo, New York
Romano, S. and Carey, C. (2018), Collaborative Conversation in researching creative industries entrepreneurship; they to impact and publication. The 41th The Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference, Birmingham UK
Mills, C. and Romano, S. (2018), The Legacy of luxury sporting events for start up and innovation: The case of repeat hosting of the America’s cup in Auckland. The 41th The Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference, Birmingham UK
Romano, S. and Beckinsale, M. (2017). Understanding Social Media Entrepreneurship to promote innovation within Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) the 40th The Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference, Belfast, France.
Carey, C., Romano, S. and Penaluna, A. (2017) Insights from the inside; researching creative industries entrepreneurship? the 40th The Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference, Belfast, UK
Romano, S. (2016), How do we engage and value a creative experience in the entrepreneurial economy?, the 39th The Institute for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ISBE) Annual Conference, Paris, France.