Peter J. Buckley
- Position: Visiting Professor
- Areas of expertise: International Business
- Email: P.J.Buckley@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 4646
BA in Social Sciences - Economics, University of York
MA in Development Economics, University of East Anglia
PhD, University of Lancaster
Dr hc (Uppsala))
DSc hon (Lapppeenranta)
Dr. Merc.H.C. (Copenhagen)
Doctors of Laws, HC (Carleton)
DBA,hc(Open University of Hong Kong)
PETER J. BUCKLEY (BA (Econ), York; MA, East Anglia; PhD Economics, Lancaster; Dr hc (Uppsala); DSc hon (Lappeenranta) Dr. Merc.H.C. (Copenhagen)) is Professor of International Business, Founder Director of CIBUL (1995) and Founder Director of the Business Confucius Institute at the University of Leeds (BCIUL). He has held Visiting Professorships at University of Paris I: Panthon-Sorbonne, Faculty of Management and Organization, University of Groningen, The University of Rennes I, Hong Kong City University, BI Oslo, the University of Granada, University of Lancaster and the University of Reading. He has published 28 books in English in both UK and USA including one in German. These include The Future of the Multinational Enterprise (1976) (paperback edition, 1991; Japanese edition, 1993; Korean edition, 1995; Anniversary edition, 2002; Chinese edition, 2005; 40th Anniversary edition 2016) and the Theory of the Multinational Enterprise (1987) based on the 1986 Uppsala Lectures in Business. His most recent book is The Multinational Enterprise and the Emergence of the Global Factory (Palgrave 2014). He also is editor of 20 books, including Cooperative Forms of Transnational Company Activity in the United Nations Library series, his most recent being International Business Strategy: Theory and Practice (Routledge 2015). He was listed in The Times Higher Education Supplement (THES) as one of the most Successful academic writers (January 2006). In addition, he has written over 250 refereed articles on foreign direct investment, the multinational enterprise, international management and the economics of tourism in leading British, US, Japanese and European journals, including 25 articles in the Journal of International Business Studies. The Social Science Citation Index lists over 3,611 citations of Peter Buckleys work. Google Scholar lists over 29,924 citations (h index 69). He is editor of the Edward Elgar book series New Horizons in International Business (100 titles to date) and Associate Editor of International Business Review. He has taught at undergraduate, postgraduate and post-experience levels in Britain and contributed to post-experience courses in the UK, China, India and elsewhere. He has taught at various levels in UK, USA, China, Sweden, Germany, France, Brazil, Singapore, Hong Kong, Norway, Spain, Poland and Japan and given seminars in many countries. Television and Radio contributions include BBC Business Breakfast, Chinese TV (including Dialogue), Singapore TV, BBC Radio 4 (including You and Yours) and BBC World Service. In 1992 he chaired the Higher Education Funding Councils (HEFC) research selectivity Panel for Business and Management Studies. He founded CIBUL, one of the worlds leading research centres in International Business in July 1995. He has played a major role in establishing Leeds Universitys Centre for Chinese Business and Development and was Founder Director of the Institute for Research on Contemporary China, both are now constituent parts of the White Rose East Asia Centre (funded by a grant of 4.5m). Professor Buckley has carried out consultancy assignments for central government, local government, international bodies (including UNCTAD Division on Transnationals and UNIDO) and leading companies. His current research interests centre on the theory of the multinational firm, knowledge management in multinational firms, the international transfer of technology, the impact of foreign direct investment particularly in China, and outward direct investment from emerging countries: China and India. Peter Buckley was President of the Academy of International Business 2002-4, after being Vice President (1991-92) and the Chair of its UK Region from 1985 to 1991. He was Chair of the European International Business Academy (2009-2012). In 1985 he was elected a Fellow of the AIB. Fellowships are limited to 50 world-wide and are awarded for outstanding achievements in international business. He remains the youngest person to be so elected. In 1995 he became a Fellow of the British Academy of Management (BAM) in the founding list of Fellows. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (RSA) in 1995. He was elected a Fellow of European International Business Academy (EIBA) in 2005. In December 1998 he was awarded an Honorary Professorship at the University of International Economics and Business, Beijing, China. In September 2006 he received the third Viipuri Prize in Strategic Management and Business Economics for his Outstanding record in the field of International Business research. He was named the Booz Allen Hamilton Strategy+Business Eminent Scholar in Management Prize at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California, 11th August, 2008. He was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Faculty of Economics of the University of Uppsala, Sweden, 2010, the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, 2012 and by the Department of Strategic Management and Globalisation, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 2015. He received the Cheung Kong Scholar Chair Professor in the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE), Beijing, September 2010. Financial Times: Professor of the Week 24th February 2012. He received the Richard Whipp Lifetime Achievement Award (BAM) For considerable and sustained contribution to International Business 2011 and was elected a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in 2014. He was appointed an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the Queens New Year Honours List 2012. He was elected a Fellow of the British Academy (FBA) in July 2014.
The theory of the multinational enterprise, methods of foreign market entry and development, the management of co-operative strategies, theoretical and empirical work on joint ventures and alliances (including specific projects on UK international alliances), knowledge management in multinational firms, transfer pricing in multinational firms, economic integration and the strategy of multinational firms, international takeovers (including cultural aspects of post-merger integration, the impact of globalisation and government policies on multinationals. Specific area interests in China, India, the EU and NAFTA.International Business Strategy, MBA Full-time and Executive
International Business (U/G, Post-Experience)
- Founder Director of Centre for International Business University of Leeds (CIBUL)
Research interests
International Business with special reference to emerging markets (India and Chjna). The theory of the multinational enterprise. Policy issues in international business.
- BA (Econ) York
- MA (Development Economics) East Anglia
- Ph.D (Economics) Lancaster
Professional memberships
- Academy of International Business
- Academy of Management
- British Academy of Management
Research groups and institutes
- Centre for International Business at the University of Leeds