Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Full-time MBA student Abhilash. Abhilash Ramesh Full-time MBA Indian
Achumile Majija (MBA 2010) Achumile Majija Full-time MBA South African
Alan Chan Alan Chan Full-time MBA Australian
Amit Pandey Amit Pandey Full-time MBA Indian
Daniel Ramirez Daniel Ramirez Full-time MBA Colombian
Deepanshu Prakash Deepanshu Prakash The Leeds MBA Indian
Student holding a textbook standing in front of some abstract artwork. Dheeraj Sethi Full-time MBA Indian
Min Fui Tom Ngui Min Fui Tom Ngui MBA Malaysian
Dr Sahas Bunditkul Dr Sahas Bunditkul Full-time MBA Thai
Farvez Noufal Periya Rowther Raheem Farvez Noufal Periya Rowther Raheem MBA Indian
Head shot of Mahmoud Reda Mahmoud Reda MBA Egyptian
Matteo Righetti Matteo Righetti Full-time MBA Italian
Zumin Zhang Ms Zumin Zhang Full-time MBA Chinese
Neha Singh Neha Singh Full-time MBA Indian
Nikhil Hegde (MBA 2014) Nikhil Hegde Full-time MBA Indian
Niti Paul Niti Paul MBA
Nnamdi Chineme Nnamdi Chineme Full-time MBA
Oke Maduewesi (Full time MBA 2010) Oke Maduewesi Full-time MBA Nigerian
Phil Spooner at the Super Bowl stadium Phil Spooner Full-time MBA British
Rasheed Ahmad Rasheed Ahmad Full-time MBA Indian