Alumni Tour of China

Dr Emilee Simmons, Director of Enhancement at Leeds University Business School hosted a series of alumni events in China this January.
Dr Emilee Simmons, Director of Enhancement at Leeds University Business School hosted a series of alumni events in China this January.
Emilee ran workshops in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Beijing on ‘The Entrepreneurial Mindset’. Her interactive talk introduced alumni to why in today’s world, organisations in all sectors need to be flexible, adaptable and ready to change with lighting speed, in order to compete or survive. She shared various models on 'entrepreneurial mind-sets’ - the ability to equip employees with the entrepreneurial skills to meet the goals of the organisation.
The events were also a great opportunity for alumni to network, reunite and connect with friends and classmates from the Business School. The largest Business School event was in Shanghai with 86 in attendance.
Alumna Yessica Zhang said, “Dr Emilee Simmons’ workshop style felt really fresh and as China is currently all about innovation, it was a very timely event!”