Dr Jiachen Shi
- Position: Lecturer in Management Consulting and HRM
- Areas of expertise: Rhetoric and realities of HRM; strategic HRM; labour law; economic institutions; contextual performance; labour migration; just transition; Chinese labour market; financial services sector
- Email: J.Shi3@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 8517
- Location: G.46 Maurice Keyworth Building
- Website: LinkedIn
Jiachen is a Lecturer in Management Consulting and Human Resource Management. She work in student eduction and responsible for module management and deliveries in BA/MA/MSc programmes, based in People, Work and Employment Department. She is also a member of Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change (CERIC) and conducting research in people, work and employment.
Jiachen is an alumni of the University of Leeds. She joined Leeds as a student in 2011 and has studied and worked here since then, with completing her MA in HRM and her PhD in Work and Employment Relations at Leeds University Business School. She has started her academic career as a postgraduate resesarcher during her PhD from 2013 and started her roles for student education from 2015 before becoming a full time lecturer following her PhD completion in 2018.
Prior to her journey to Leeds, she graduated with BSc in HRM from University of International Business and Economics (Beijing, China), and worked in the investment banking and finance industry.
- Deputy Programme Director of MSc Management Consulting
- BA/MA/MSc teaching, dissertation supervisor and personal tutor
- CERIC Researcher
Research interests
Jiachen’s main research areas covercover strategic human resource management and regulations of employment, rhetoric and realities of HRM; labour migration in transitions; sustainable development goals and just transitions.
Jiachen has expertise and research experience in:
- SHRM studies looking into the role of the State in shaping the approach to SHRM within organisations, exploring a arrange of external environmental forces to shape workers experience in labour market and the approach to HRM within organisations; external environmental forces that she has looked at include labour law, economic institutions of labour market, public attitudes, cultural and social actors, climate change. Her studies also look into worker’s experience and labour response in transitions in China and in global perspective and comparative perspective; She also expertise in HRM reform; contextual performance, personalities, job satisfaction; Chinese approach to HRM and Chinese labour market; the changing nature of work and HRM in financial services sector, broadcasting industry.
- Labour migration studies in transitions, with looking into changing regulatory system towarf migration at national and reginal levels in comparative perspective.
- Sustanability, climate change and just transtion – international comparisons studies looking at concepts of Just Transitions, policies, initiatives and strategies, and investigating the factors influencing understanding of just transitions, and just transition debates in a variety of economic, institutional and climate policy framework.
Jiachen’s research interests also covers transition economies and platform economy, and social (in)equalities.
Current research projects
2022-2025: Co-I, HBS Funded Climate series: Just transitions towards net zero societies in 13 countries, PI: Prof Vera Trappmann
2020-2021: Co-I, WUN Funded COVID-19 and Migration Systems in Transition, PI: Prof Chris Forde
- PhD (2018) in Work and Employment Relations, University of Leeds
- MA (2013) in Human Resource Management, University of Leeds
- BSc (2010) in Human Resource Management, University of International Business and Economics (China)
Professional memberships
- Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Associate Membership
Student education
The areas of Jiachen’s teaching experience covers HRM, management, work and organisations, business and society, economic institutions, gender and equality, people analytics, employment law, industrial relations, also on topics including labour migrations, future of work, gig economies, automation.
UG modules
- Business and Society (Social Theory, Organisation Theory)
- Contemporary Human Resource Management
- Contemporary Industrial Relations
- Diversity Management
- Gender and Equality at Work
- Global Perspective at Work
- Economic Institutions (Labour)
- Introduction to Human Resource Management
- Management, Work and Organisations
- Strategic Human Resource Management
- HRM Controversies
PG modules
- Diversity Management
- Employment Law
- Gender and Equality at Work
- Global Perspective at Work
- Research Methods and Practices for Consultants
- People Analytics
- HRM Dissertation
- Management Consultant Project
Conference Papers
Forde. C., Z. Ciupijus, J. Shi., et al. 2021: The experience of migrants in a risk society: Changing Migration regimes during COVID-19 and the impacts on migrants, Work, Employment and Society conference 2021
Forde. C., Z. Ciupijus, J. Shi, L. Sun, R. Giralt, D., 2021. What happens when a changing migration infrastructure meets COVID-19 pandemic: the analysis of migrant workforce dynamics in the UK healthcare sector, Industrial Relations in Europe Conference 2021
Shi, J. 2018. The Development of Strategic Human Resource Management in the Chinese Financial Service Sector: Understanding the roles of external economic factors and the state. Presented at 2018 Centre for Employment Relations Innovation and Change annual doctoral conference
Shi, J. 2017. External Economic Factors’ impacts on Employers HRM Decisions in the Chinese Financial Services Sector. Presented at International Labour Process Conference 2017
Shi, J. 2016. The Development of Strategic Human Resource Management in the Chinese Financial Services Sector: Employers’ HR decisions in responding to external environmental changes. Presented at The Work, Employment and Society Conference 2016: Work in Crisis
Shi, J. 2015. Employers’ HRM response to external economic factors in the Chinese Financial Services Sector. Presented at 2015 Centre for Employment Relations Innovation and Change annual doctoral conference. Leeds, UK and Karlstads, Sweden
Shi, J. 2014a. Employers’ HRM response to external economic factors in China. Presented at White Rose Doctoral Conference 2014
Shi, J. 2014b. Employers’ HRM response to external economic factors in China: A Literature Review. Presented at 2014 Centre for Employment Relations Innovation and Change annual doctoral conference
Internet Publications
Forde C, Ciupijus Z, Shi J. 2022. Migration systems in transition: is changing regulation during the pandemic increasing risks for migrants?.
Research groups and institutes
- Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change