Becca Jiggens
- Email: bnrllj@leeds.ac.uk
- Thesis title: Reasonable Justice: judging disability & reasonableness
- 2020 Epilogue - Be(com)ing disabled: acquired disability, abjection & identity in Shadrack, J (2020) Black Metal, Trauma, Subjectivity & Sound: Screaming into the Abyss, Emerald
- 2021 Fools gather ‘round to watch me bleed: Disability, isolation and participation in Metal’s Communities of Aesthetic Practice in eds Clifford-Napoleone and Shadrack (2021) Heavy Metal Music and Dis/Ability: Crips, Crowds & Cacophony, Emerald
- Forthcoming with Alison Duncan Kerr ‘Regulation, Resistance, Resurrection: Emotional regulation as anti-ableist work’ in Embodying the Music and Death Nexus: Consolations, Salvations and Transformations
- Critical Disability Judgments: Rewriting Justice
- with Alison Duncan Kerr and Eleonora Belfiore, Comparative analysis of staff and student disability inclusion policy and practice in higher education
- Gender, inclusion and belief in the workplace
- 2019 Disability in the gig economy: reasonable adjustments for engaging workers or anticipatory adjustments in providing services? - Society of Legal Scholars Conference
- 2020 Researching reasonableness: methodological considerations in identifying models of disability informing judicial decision making on reasonable adjustments – Socio-Legal Scholars Assoc [Cancelled due to COVID-19]
- 2020 Taking Stock: Mapping legal and conceptual issues arising in higher education from current debate around trans rights – Socio-Legal Scholars Assoc [Cancelled due to COVID-19]
- 2021 Rewriting Judgments as Critical Disability Jurisprudence – Socio-Legal Scholars Association Conference
- with Emma Paton, Employment Rights in Academia
- Disability and Employment Law Handbook
- Critical Disability Judgments
- Co-Director – Centre for Research Activism for Intersectional Justice
- Fellow – Institute of Paralegals
- Employment Lawyers Association
- Discrimination Law Association
- Industrial Law Association
- Socio-legal Scholars Association
- Society for Philosophy & Disability
Research interests
Critical disability jurisprudence; Labour law; Philosophy of language; Feminist & critical methodologies; Human rights; Human Resource Management practice; research as activism & activism as research.
- LLM Employment Law & Practice
- BA Hons Philosophy
Research groups and institutes
- Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change
- PhD