Production of immobility? What will settled status do well, what it will do badly and whom it will fail?
Dr Gabriella Alberti and Dr Roxana Barbulescu's co-written piece on what settled status will mean for European citizens living in the UK after Brexit appears in El Pais and the LSE's Brexit blog.
Northern Exposure: examining the implications of Brexit
A major new social science project will examine the implications of Brexit on race relations, new migrations and Northerners’ sense of place and belonging.
Cabinet Office visit Business School for live Budget insights session
Cabinet Office team visits Leeds University Business School.
Progress made but still more to do to create a diverse legal profession
Research led by Jennifer Tomlinson of Leeds University Business School demonstrates that whilst there has been an increase of BAME solicitors, progress still needs to be made in the profession.
Dr Oliver on 'crunch work' on BBC 5 Live
On 17 October Dr Liz Oliver, Lecturer in Work and Employment Relations was interviewed on Phil William’s BBC 5 Live programme discussing ‘crunch work’ in the games industry.