
Results 106 to 110 of 185 in People, Work and Employment

Bike courier with Deliveroo bag on back

Professor Vera Trappmann commented in an article published by The Guardian looking at how worker-led delivery collectives are springing up to reclaim control from corporate platforms like Deliveroo.

Chris Forde

On 10 May Professor Chris Forde commented in the international business media on the controversial practice by some firms of ‘firing and rehiring’ during the pandemic.

Boxes on a conveyor belt in a factory

Professor Chris Forde shares his thoughts with Reuters on Amazon's treatment of agency warehouse workers.

Bike courier with Deliveroo bag on back

Research led by members of the Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change (CERIC) featured in an article in Computer Weekly on 7 April.

Gender pay gap concept

Insights from research undertaken by Associate Professor of Work and Employment Relations Jana Javornik featured in an article in Canada’s The Globe and the Mail about the gender pay divide.