Professor Katsikeas receives prestigious award from the AMA

Professor Constantine S. Katsikeas is the recipient of the AMA’s 2023 Significant Contributions to Global Marketing Award.
Professor Katsikeas, Arnold Ziff Research Chair in Marketing and International Management, and the Founder and Director of the Global and Strategic Marketing Research Center (GLOSMARC), was honoured as a scholar who has contributed significantly to the field.
A panel of past winners of the Significant Contributions award, current and past editors/co-editors of the Journal of International Marketing, and other distinguished academics appointed by the board of directors of the AMA Global Marketing SIG selected the winner.
Goksel Yalcinkaya, Chair of the Global Marketing SIG, commented: “Professor Katsikeas is one of the most impactful scholars in international marketing. He has amassed an impressive record of publications in important journals (100+ articles–primarily in IM), accumulating over twenty thousand Google Scholar citations. His publications in international marketing are found in leading marketing outlets such as the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Marketing Research, and Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (JAMS), in internationally focused journals, such Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), Journal of International Marketing (JIM), Journal of World Business, International Business Review, and International Marketing Review, etc., and other academic outlets such as Journal of Consumer Psychology, Organization Science, Strategic Management Journal, and Decision Sciences.
Professor Katsikeas has served international marketing discipline via his editorship of JIM, his Area Editorship at JIBS, and his Associate Editor role for international marketing at JAMS. Furthermore, he has also significantly contributed to the AMA Global Marketing SIG. He has led the most successful conference events in our history – growing the discipline both in terms of the country diversity of international marketing scholars and the engagement of mainstream marketing scholars to our IM discipline.”