Xi Chen

Xi Chen


Before the MBA at Leeds University Business School, Xi Chen was a Senior operation specialist at Baidu, a Customer service department manager at China Mobile and China Unicom, and a Chinese Medtech start-up co-founder and operational director. Xi led several digital transformation projects in the telecommunication and IT industries over a decade successfully. Xi has completed an Accelerated Knowledge Transfer project to ERP scoping with LUBS and UKRI in April 2023 and is leading the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships project of CRM and ERP implementation.

Accelerated Knowledge Transfer with LBBC: https://business.leeds.ac.uk/research-coscr/dir-record/research-projects/2070/accelerated-knowledge-transfer-with-lbbc

Knowledge Transfer Partnership with LBBC Group - The transition of digital culture in a UK manufacturing SME business: https://business.leeds.ac.uk/faculty/dir-record/research-projects/2233/knowledge-transfer-partnership-with-lbbc-group-the-transition-of-digital-culture-in-a-uk-manufacturing-sme-business

Research and Innovation Blog: https://business.leeds.ac.uk/dir-record/research-blog/2245/how-can-universities-help-industries-to-digitalize-lessons-from-a-knowledge-transfer-project


  • Project Manager in relation to the Accelerate Knowledge Transfer to Innovation project
  • Project Manager in relation to the Knowledge Transfer Partnerships to Innovation project

Research interests

Xi's research interests span several areas:

1. Digital culture fostering in pre-implementation.
2. Change Management in the digital transformation. 
3. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) in Information and Communications Technology (ICT) implementation and solution, focusing on Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and Blockchain fields.


  • MBA, University of Leeds

Research groups and institutes

  • Centre for Operations and Supply Chain Research