
Results 6 to 10 of 210 in Management and Organisations

Business school campus

Abhilash Ramesh (MBA 2022) was recently awarded the status of Chartered Management Consultant, joining the exclusive 2% of management consultants in the UK who hold this prestigious accreditation.

A close up of books on a shelf, spine upwards

Strategic Management - "Confrontation to Transformation"

One group of students winning their prize from the event

Last month, students from the ‘Innovation, Thinking and Practice’ module presented their solutions to real-world issues in front of a panel of industry experts.

Image of the Clarendon Building

The LUBS Ethics Panel was a one-hour online event during which a panel of industry professionals came together to share insights on the ethical challenges and dilemmas facing their sectors in 2023.

Caroline lectures to packed lecture theatre

A guest lecture with Caroline Allen – Consulting Director at KPMG. Delivered to Leeds University Business School undergraduate students studying on the module LUBS 2970 Corporate Social Responsibility