
Results 86 to 90 of 210 in Management and Organisations

Maurice Keyworth building, Leeds University Business School

The Business School's Nurturing Talent Mentoring Scheme has been shortlisted for the Highest Impact University Initiative Award at the Student Social Mobility Awards 2021.

Modern empty office

Professor Chia-Huei Wu featured in BBC Worklife online on 21 July 2021 discussing office culture in Taiwan and the impact of Covid-19 on working practices and norms.

Gary Graham

Research into the automotive industry supply chain led by Dr Gary Graham saw manufacturers, academics and stakeholders gather to address the industry’s future on 1 July 2021 at Sunderland College.

Exterior shot of the Charles Thackrah building

‘How childhood ADHD-like symptoms predict selection into entrepreneurship and implications on entrepreneurial performance’

A close up of books on a shelf, spine upwards

Dr Valentina Lichtner has been invited join the editorial board of PLOS Digital Health as Academic Editor.