Leaders in Residence join MSc management students for business challenge

Leaders in Residence joined MSc Management students recently during a day-long event to help the students gain insight into the business world.
The day featured a case study on ‘Williams plc’, a mock UK-listed company that operates a chain of department stores under the “Williams” brand.
Established in the 1880s, the company was said to be known for its slogan “for good value” and its commitment to providing quality, low-cost products with cheerful customer service.
The challenge set before the students was to analyze the company's current position and come up with a strategy to increase its profits.
In the case study, the CEO had identified three possible options. The students were tasked with choosing one (or none), followed by preparing a 5-minute presentation of no more than five slides, to explain their decision.
The students worked in teams to brainstorm and develop their strategies, and discussed their ideas with the Leaders in Residence.
The Leaders in Residence were available to provide guidance and answer questions, as well as to provide feedback on the students’ work.
At the end of the day, the students presented their strategies to the Leaders in Residence and their peers.
The day was a great success for everyone involved, providing the students with an invaluable opportunity to practice their problem-solving skills in a real-world setting.
A huge thank you to our Leaders in Residence, for providing such an invaluable service. Their presence and expertise were greatly appreciated by all.