Lilac Nachum

Lilac Nachum


My areas of interest are globalization and strategic management in a global world, topics I have been teaching, consulting, and publishing on extensively for more than three decades. Before joining Leeds UNiversity Business School in 2024 I was a Professor of International Business at City UNiversity New York for more than two decades. I am a Fellow of the Academy of International Business, the world’s most prominent association of international business scholars, and serve as a member of the leadership team of the Africa Chapter of the Academy. I was a Fullbring Scholar for Africa (2021-2022), and a visiting professor at Strathmore University Business School in Nairobi. 

My research has been awarded several recognitions, most recently the 2021 AIB/FIU Best Theory Paper, the 2017 Best Paper Award of the Research Method Division and was finalist for the 2019 AIB/Temple Best Paper Award. I am the recipient of Baruch College 2011 Best Teacher Award and 2012 Presidential Excellence Award for Scholarship. I am the author of three books on global companies and global supply chains (one of which was translated to Chinese) and numerous journal papers published in the Strategic Management Journal, Management Science, Academy of Management Journal and the Journal of International Business Studies, among others. I am a Consulting Editor to the Journal of International Business Studies, the leading International Business journal, on Africa and the Middle East, and Associate Editor for the Journal of International Business Policy and the Africa Journal of Management. I am also a board member of the Strategy Management Journal and the Global Strategy Journal.

I have consulted with a number of national and international organizations, including UNCTAD, UNIDO, the European Union, London's Westminster City Council, the Governments of Turkey and the UAE, the US Department of Commerce, on issues related to globalization, and served as an Expert Witness on a number of legal cases related to cross-border issues. I am a frequent commentator on globalization and its implications for firms and countries and have been cited by various media outlets on these issues, including CNBC, FOX Business, CNN, Forbes, FT, Business Daily Africa, The Conversation Africa, India Economic Times, Business World India, Brooklyn Independent TV and CUNY TV. I am a regular speaker in research seminars and conferences around the world. 

I was the founding Director and Leader of the Centre for the study of Russian and Emerging Market Multinationals of St. Petersburg State University. I led a consulting project for Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting on value creation and distribution in global supply chains, with application to Bangladesh garment industry. I have held visiting positions at business schools around the world, including Sun Yat-sen University in China, India School of Business (ISB), Lagos Business School, South Africa Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS), University of Kigali, Rwanda, Sassen Business School, Thailand, Graduate School of Management (GSOM) of St. Petersburg State University, and BI Norwegian Business School, where I have taught courses on strategy and business in a global world on MBA and Executive programs. I have also led study abroad trips as part of Baruch college executive programs to several Asian and Latin American countries. 

I hold BA and MBA from Tel Aviv University (both completed Magna Cum Laude), and a PhD from the Copenhagen Business School.



  • Professor of International Business


  • PhD, International Business, Copenhagen Business School

Professional memberships

  • Academy of International Business (AIB), Fellow
  • Academy of Management