
Results 101 to 105 of 119 in International Business

Image of a factory with smoking chimneys

On 29 June, Postgraduate Supply Chain Researcher, Anthony Brown, appeared on Sky News to discuss the implications of the CO2 shortage.

Portrait of Prof. Peter Buckley

Professor Peter Buckley OBE has received an Honorary Doctorate from Carleton University.

Group photograph of the participants of the event

On 8-9 March 2018 alumni from the MSc International Business class of 2015 returned to Leeds from across the world to reunite with their friends, classmates and lecturers at a dedicated conference.

Portrait of Prof. Peter Buckley

Professor Peter Buckley OBE, FBA (Centre for International Business University of Leeds) is to be awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Laws at Carleton University, Ottowa, Canada in June.

Portrait of Prof. Peter Buckley

Professor Peter Buckley OBE is to undertake a prestigious research project for the British Academy.