Research with Impact: 16 research articles accepted into top journals

Professor Peter Buckley OBE, Professor Jeremy Clegg and Dr Hinrich Voss have recently had two articles accepted for publication in the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS).
Earlier this year they also received The JIBS Decade Award for their article 'The Determinants of Chinese Outward Foreign Direct Investment’. The prestigious award is given annually to the most impactful article to have appeared in the journal ten years prior.
The Journal of International Business is rated 4* in the Chartered Association of Business School's Academic Journal Guide 2015, the highest quality ranking possible.
The Guide is based upon peer review, editorial and expert judgements following the evaluation of many hundreds of publications, and is informed by statistical information relating to citation. It is a guide to the range, subject matter and relative quality of journals in which business and management academics publish their research.
The two accepted articles include:
- 'Risk propensity in the foreign direct investment location decision of emerging multinationals'
- 'A retrospective and agenda for future research on Chinese outward FDI'
Other successful papers accepted into journals rated '4' and '3' cover a broad spectrum of subjects and include:
- D Ang. What Goes Up Must…Keep Going Up? Cultural Differences in Cognitive Styles Influence Evaluations of Dynamic Performance. Journal of Applied Psychology
- J Tomlinson. The perceived fairness of work-life balance policies: A UK case study of solo-living managers and professionals without children. Human Resource Management Journal
- MF Ahammad. Exploring the Determinants of Location Choice Decisions for Offshored R&D Projects. Journal of Business Research
- G Alberti. Posting and Agency Work in British Construction and Hospitality: The Role of Regulation in differentiating the Experiences of Migrants. International Journal of Human Resource Management
- G Blackburne, P Buckley. The international business incubator as a foreign market entry mode. Long Range Planning
- W Bruine de Bruin. Robustness of Adult Decision-Making Competence: Evidence from an 11-year longitudinal study. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making
- H Cook, C Forde. Union partnership as a facilitator to HRM: Improving implementation through oppositional engagement. International Journal of Human Resource Management
- A Duboisee De Ricquebourg, I Clacher. Auctions, market efficiency, and the trade in second-hand and antique silver. Economics Letters
- G Graham. Do Makerspace represent scalable production models of community based re-distributed manufacturing? Production Planning and Control
- A Kaltenbrunner. Financialised Internationalisation and Structural Hierarchies: A mixed-method study of Exchange Rate Determination in Emerging Economies. Cambridge Journal of Economics
- E Kesidou. The Impact of Regulatory Complexity upon Self-regulation: Evidence from the Adoption and Certification of Environmental Management Systems. Journal of Environmental Management
- Y Okan. Biasing and Debiasing Health Decisions with Bar Graphs: Costs and Benefits of Graph Literacy. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology
- M Uddin. Financing Behaviour of R&D Investment in the Emerging Markets: The Role of Alliance and Financial System. R&D Management
- B Xu. Optimistic Disclosure Tone and Conservative Debt Policy. Abacus