Dr Stefan Kesting
- Position: Teaching Fellow/Assistant Head of Year
- Areas of expertise: Social, Feminist, Institutional, Post Keynesian and Ecological Economics as well as Ethics, Frankfurt School Social Philosophy and Economic Sociology
- Email: S.Kesting@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 7944
- Website: Ethics and Economics
PhD in Economics, University of Bremen, Germany Diploma
(BA and MA) Germany Diploma in Economics, University of Bremen, Germany
Exchange student in Economics at the New School for Social Research, N. Y.
2012 to-date Teaching Fellow, University of Leeds
2004-2012 Senior Lecturer above the bar, Auckland University of Technology (AUT), New Zealand
2002 Visiting Lecturer, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA
1997-2003 Lecturer, University of Bremen, Germany
Research Appointments and Prizes
2011-2012 Deputy director of the Gender and Diversity Research Group at AUT
2011 to-date (with Alyssa Schneebaum) coordinator of research area K gender and economics for the European Association of Evolutionary and Political Economy (EAEPE)
2010 (May and June) invited visiting scholar at Max-Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG), Cologne, Germany
2010 (July-December) invited visiting scholar at Social Science Department (CRESS-Lessor) and Economics Department (CREM), University of Rennes, France
2002 (autumn) invited visiting scholar with Fullbright and DFG (German Research Foundation) scholarships at economics department, University of Missouri, Kansas City, USA
2002 (spring) invited visiting scholar at the department of social sciences, Roskilde University, Denmark
Member of editorial boards
Forum for Social Economy
Module in Leeds
Module leader for LUBS2680: Ethics and Economics
Module leader for LUBS1950: Introductory Macroeconomics, Economic Theory and Applications 1
I also taught macroeconomics in our MBA programmes: LUBS5740 and LUBS5816.
Year Two Tutor
Assistant Head of Year
I invented LUBS1290 Economic Controversies and have led the module for several years
Research interests
Deliberative Welfare Economic Theory (Early Childhood Education and Care)
Discourse and economics (Central Bank communication)
Ethics and Economics
Innovation (Schumpeterian and Post Keynesian approaches)
Varieties of Capitalism
Ecological macroeconomics