Professor Peter Ayton

Professor Peter Ayton


  • Director of the the Centre for Decision Research

Research interests

Professor Ayton studies behavioural decision theory. Specifically, his research investigates how people make judgments and decisions under conditions of risk, uncertainty and ambiguity. His investigations use a variety of empirical methods including laboratory experiments, surveys, field studies and the analysis of archival data. His research has appeared in leading journals in Psychology and Economics with applied multidisciplinary collaborations appearing in a wide range of journals and leading conferences in medicine, law and computer science. Professor Ayton’s research and comments have also appeared in New Scientist; The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Daily Telegraph, The Times, The Observer, Wired, Cycling Weekly and on BBC2’s Newsnight and Radio 4’s The Today Programme, The Moral Maze, Woman’s Hour and Broadcasting House.  His books have covered Subjective Probability, Judgmental Forecasting and The Psychology and Economics of Football.   

Professional memberships

  • Association for Psychological Science
  • The Psychonomic Society
  • Society for Judgment & Decision Making
  • European Association for Decision Making
  • Experimental Psychology Society
  • International Behavioural Public Policy Association

Student education

I teach MBA, Ph.D. and Masters courses courses in Decision-Making, Managerial Decision-Making and Risk Communication.

Research groups and institutes

  • Centre for Decision Research