Dr. Kemal Enes

Dr. Kemal Enes


Kemal Enes (PhD) has been giving lectures in the Department of Gastronomy and Culinary Arts at the Faculty of Tourism at Mersin University since 2014. Previously, he worked as a Culinary Arts expert in the Culinary Department of Amasya University. Before working in academia, he held various positions in the tourism industry, hotel kitchens and catering operations.

He has chapters in several books, scientific presentations and articles about tourism and gastronomy. Also, he has various international experiences in Dhaka, Kazakhstan, Finland and Hungary. Kemal is interested in research subjects that require interdisciplinary collaboration about food production and productivity. He has been involved in two local and two international projects including European Union employment projects. (IQVET) and Kazakhstan “Horizon 2020”


  • Researcher

Research interests


  • Yildiz A. Z., Enes K. (2021). Comparative Assessment of Companies’ Preferences in Cabin Crew Recruitment from Turkey. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 9(2), 687-696., Doi: 10.21325/jotags.2021.810
  • Karakayali Z., Enes K., Kanca B., (2022).  Gastronomic Value of Naturally Grown Edible Mushrooms in Giresun.  Ordu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Sosyal Bilimler Araştirmalari Dergisi, 12(2), 593-618., Doi: 10.48146/odusobiad.1121396
  • Enes K., Kanca B., (2022) Total Tourism Impact Perceived by Local people: A Research in Giresun, Journal of Gastronomy, Hospitality and Travel.  Journal of Gastronomy, Hospitality and Travel 5(3)., Doi: 10.33083/joghat.2022.194
  • Enes K., Kaya B., Kanca B., (2022) Analysis of the Menus of 4 and 5-Star Hotel Restaurants in the Eastern Black Sea Region: Appetizers and Mezzes. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies,10(3)  2555-2568., DOI: 10.21325/jotags.2022.1105
  • Kaya B., Enes K., Kanca B.(2022), Evaluation Of Tripadvisor Comments For Restaurants of 4 And 5 Star Hotels In The Eastern Black Sea Region In Turkey, Gumushane University Journal of the Social Science Institute 13(3), 1239-1252.

Articles Under Revision

  • Enes K., Koşan L., Özkan E. İ., Managing Pandemic crisis caused by Covid-19: Example of good practices in a fine dining restaurant, Cukurova University Journal of the Social Science Institute
  • (Accepted, waiting for publication) Enes K., Yavuz G., Ercik C., The Standardization of The Local Food And The Measurement Of Its Acceptability: Example Of Mersin, Eskisehir Osmangazi University Journal of the Social Science ( Accepted)  

Books and book chapters

•       Enes K. (In press) Agro tourism (Ed.) Ertas C. Kanca B., Future Of the Tourism, Detay Publishing,

•       Enes K., Akpur A. (In press) Organizational Cynicism In Tourism (Ed.) Ucar Ö. Kanca B., The Dark Side of Organizational Relations in Tourism Businesses, Detay Publishing,

•       Enes K., Akpur A. (In press) Organizational Barriers In Tourism: Mobbing, Glass ceiling and Queen Bee Syndrome (Ed.) Ucar Ö. Kanca B., The Dark Side of Organizational Relations in Tourism Businesses, Detay Publishing,

•       Yavuz G., Enes K. (2022), Social Media and Events: Before, During, and After, Research Anthology on Social Media Advertising and Building Consumer Relationships, IGI Global Publisher of Timely Knowledge, ISBN: 9781668462874,

•       Enes K. (2022) Boiling, Simmering, Deep Fat Frying, Shallow Fat Frying, (Ed.)Kozak M., Kozak N., Turkey’s National Tourism Encyclopedia, Detay Publishing, ISBN:9786052545515

•       Enes K, (2021), Physical Planning Process of the Professional Kitchens, (Ed.)Yilmaz S., Selman B., Temel Mutfak Bilimleri (Basic Cooking Science),  Detay Publishing ISBN: 9786052544693,

•       Enes K., (2021)  Congress Tourism of Mersin (Ed.) Atasoy A., Ercik C., Durukan M Akdeniz'in Turizm Günesi Mersin (Mersin : The Sun of the Mediterranean Tourism), Nobel Publishing, ISBN:9786254331190

•       Enes E., Enes K., (2021) Art Tourism of Mersin (Ed.) Atasoy A., Ercik C., Durukan M., Akdeniz'in Turizm Günesi Mersin (Mersin: The Sun of the Mediterranean Tourism), Nobel Publishing, ISBN: 9786254331190

•       Enes K.(2020), Menu Samples of Turkish Cuisines 3, (Ed.) Percin N., Uçuk C., Practical Turkish Kitchen, Nobel Publishing, (ISBN:9786254390494,

•       Enes K. (2011) Octagon School design (Ed.) Ural A., I have a dream about School Pegem Publishing, ISBN: 9786055885939

Presentation at International Conference

•       Enes K., Yavuz G. (2019).  Social Media in Education: An Investigation on Gastronomy and Culinary Arts Students.  Futourism Congress, 55(3)

•       Taştan H., Enes K., Bektarim N. (2018) Determination of Differences in Consumption Habits of Turkish Coffee; Samples in Mersin City. Fotourism 2018

•       Konaklioglu E., Ozkaya F., Lokmanoglu Y., Enes K. (2018).  Research about Tarsus’s Local Values and Current Situation on Determination of Potential for Gastronomic Tourism.  National Gastronomy Congress, Ankara

•       Taştan H., Enes K. Şahin E. (2018) Determination of the Contributions of Local Authorities to Develop Gastronomy Tourism: Adana Sample, Global Conference on Business and Economics, ANAHEI Congress, USA Sarasota

•       Koşan L., Enes K., Çolak O. (2014). Problem Solving in Theory of Constraints; Application in a hotel. 15. International Tourism Congress, Ankara

•       Günay F., Enes K. (2014). A Review on Incentives and Supports Provided to Sports Tourism.  3. East Mediterranean Tourism Congress, Mersin

•       Koşan L., Enes K., Çolak O. (2014).  Activity Based Customer Profitability Analysis A Case Study In Travel Agency.  Tourman2014 Congress 2014, Balıkesir


  • Ph. D. in Tourism Management,
  • M. Sc. in Education of Tourism Management
  • B. Sc. in Tourism and Hotel Management
  • Cookery Vocational High School

Student education

Teaching experience (Last 3 Years) 

2020-2021       (14 weeks)                                                                                                 Weekly Hours

Basic cooking technic 1 (2 groups)                                                                                                 16

Basic cooking technic 2 (2 groups)                                                                                                16

International cuisine (2 semester)                                                                                                 4

Traditional Turkish and ottoman cuisine (1 semester) for medical students                          2


Basic cooking technic 1 (2 groups)                                                                                                 16

Basic cooking technic 2 (2 groups)                                                                                                 16

Garde-manger                                                                                                                                    6

Traditional Turkish and ottoman cuisine (1 semester) for medical students                          2


Basic cooking technic 1 (2 groups)                                                                                                 16

Basic cooking technic 2 (2 groups)                                                                                                 16

Garde-manger                                                                                                                                    6

Traditional Turkish and ottoman cuisine (1 semester)                                                             12