A successful term for WBRC Seminar series

The WBRC hosted seven events in the 2020/21 Term 1, inviting speakers from across the field to share their work online with the Leeds University Business School community.
WBRC research seminar series 20/21 Term 1
Knowlege sharing on online platforms within organizations
8.10.20, Chia-huei Wu (University of Leeds)
Beyond behaviours: Developing our understanding of interpersonal mistreatment at work
22.10.20 Tara Reich (Kings College London)
Watch the recording
Meet the Journal of Management editor: Tips for manuscript preparation for top management journals
29.10.20 Brian Connelly (Auburn University)
How to influence people’s feelings
05.11.20 Karen Niven (University of Manchester)
Watch the recording
Dynamics of work-family processes during the COVID-19 crisis
19.11.20 Yasin Rofcanin (University of Bath)
Watch the recording
How to promote employees’ deep compliance with COVID-19 safety measures
30.11.20 Xiaowen Hu (Queensland University of Technology) Hongmin Yan, Tristan Casey, Chia-Huei Wu
Watch the recording
Top down influences on job design: the role of supervisors
03.12.20 Anja Van den Broeck (KU Leuven)
Watch the recording
Stay updated with the latest WBRC events here, and contact Chia-huei Wu if you wish to be involved.